Feed update error [solved]

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Feed update error [solved]

Postby logan_ » 24 Nov 2016, 11:22

Hey there,

I have a problem since November 4th. Only 1 feed got updated since. The update daemon seems to run fine though. All feeds say they just got updated - yet nothing new gets through.

TTRSS has been running fine for 3 years now (GIT installation). There was no system/php/MariaDB update lately and nothing else I can think of as well.
In fact, I didnt even log on the NAS for a week before TTRSS stopped updating the feeds. I had a problem with md0 two weeks before, where the partition ran full due to a misconfigured log file from my part. But I fixed that and I dont know if that could be connected in any way. The updater seems to run fine though.

Error messsages
I got the following error under preferences/system (or in ttrss_error_log) four times:
E_WARNING (2) include/rssfuncs.php:261 gzdecode(): data error (time: November, 4th, 11:45)

I tried a clean install (with the old MySQL db), but that didnt change anything. Now just another error shows up:
E_ERROR (1) classes/feedparser.php:167 Class 'FeedItem_Atom' not found (time: right after install)

The feeds

Since one feed (http://www.neo-magazin-royale.de/zdi/rss.xml) is still working, I assume it might be one bad feed that kills the whole process? At least thats what the search here sugggested. But the ID of the working feed is pretty high - its one of the last feeds in the SQL table. So why is that working and the previous ones arent?
How can I find the possible culprit btw? I know your rss parser. But I have more than 40 feeds (some regular, a lot of tailor made by Huginn) and wanted to ask first if there is any other possibility for the error first. My feed count is pretty high atm with more than 13k since Im using it to make some (Huginn) data more readable which I need for work. Idk, if there might be a threshold.

You probably wont need all of the following info, but it might be better than needing to dust off the crystal ball:
TTRSS: v16.8 (f04b12d) - normal GIT installation, no package
system: Synology NAS DS1813+ @ DSM 6.0.2-8451 Update 1
PHP: 5.6.11
MYSQL: Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.52-MariaDB, for Linux () using readline 5.1

I hope someone could point me in the right direction, since Im kinda out of ideas and the withdrawel symptoms are getting worse :(

Thank you!

PS: Since this list is empty, I dont know if this is the correct forum - or if the unsupported platform forum is the correct one.
Last edited by logan_ on 24 Nov 2016, 18:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Feed update error

Postby fox » 24 Nov 2016, 11:45

>system: Synology NAS DS1813+ @ DSM 6.0.2-8451 Update 1

you might have better luck on synology forums tbh, i don't think a NAS is considered a supported platform

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Re: Feed update error

Postby logan_ » 24 Nov 2016, 15:07

Hey fox,

thx for the quick reply!
Tbh, I expected your answer more to be like: "Check log xy, duh". :wink:

Hmm, ttrss ran for 3 years on that rig without any problems. I mean, its still Linux.
I already checked the Synology forums and there is nothing. A lot of ppl are using ttrss on Synology boxes without any problems afaik. There were some problems after the DSM6 update (php -> php56) earlier this year. But thats all working fine now - just some altered paths/symlinks.

The error messages dont ring a bell maybe? Any pointers where else to look maybe?

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Re: Feed update error

Postby fox » 24 Nov 2016, 15:42

the missing class error message absolutely shouldn't be there, and can break literally everything

why is it there? i don't know. maybe synology does some weird stuff with autoloads or something i'm not aware of because i don't use NAS boxes. so, like i said, you might get better help from other synology tt-rss users.

or maybe you screwed up your new installation somehow. did you git clone on the box?

also, you can try running a feed debugger on something (f D on a feed) and see if the feed processes this way or if there are other error messages

i would probably start from scratch. git clone, use an empty database, see if things work. then go from there.

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Re: Feed update error

Postby logan_ » 24 Nov 2016, 18:55

fox wrote:the missing class error message absolutely shouldn't be there, and can break literally everything

why is it there? i don't know. maybe synology does some weird stuff with autoloads or something i'm not aware of because i don't use NAS boxes. so, like i said, you might get better help from other synology tt-rss users.

Ah, great, thats a start! Maybe I should have mentioned, that I only know the basics...the error messages didnt tell me anything and Google was pretty vague (or Im too dumb).
No worry, I wont blame you for not giving support for systems you cant know about :P
Ill head to the Synology forums then and ask for those specifics.

or maybe you screwed up your new installation somehow. did you git clone on the box?

The updates were done via

Code: Select all

git pull origin master

The clean install was just

Code: Select all

git clone https://tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss.git

Then I chmod the needed folders for the webuser, fired up the install/index.php, entered the SQL credentials and changed the php path to php56 -> all good so far

also, you can try running a feed debugger on something (f D on a feed) and see if the feed processes this way or if there are other error messages

Yeah, I read about that in your help as well, but I guess Pale Moon (Firefox fork) filters the keystrokes, so I had no luck with it.
I'll try Chrome and....

...umm, I did not know if I should post my answer now, but since you tried to help its only fair:
The debugger gave me a weird filter, which I was not aware of. It turns out, that it obviously slipped my initial observation...

So just for future reference, if anyone encounters a similar problem: It was once again the user infront of the machine. I got misguided by the php errors. Just check your filters before going anywhere deeper :roll:

@fox: sry for the inconvenience...I already feel...stupid :?
Keep up the great work though and dont lose your spirit over 'lesser informed' ppl like me.

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