Android client: Does not show cached images anymore

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Android client: Does not show cached images anymore

Postby cschramm » 09 Apr 2017, 10:18

Hi, the Tiny Tiny RSS Android app stopped showing cached images for one of my feeds one or two weeks ago. Both the web UI and the image URL itself work fine in browser (on the same device). According to my webserver's log the app never even tried to fetch cached images with the respective hashes. logcat does not show anything useful when opening an affected article (I suppose the image is expected to be loaded at that point(?)). Images work fine in other feeds but they are not cached. I'm not sure if I do have another feed that caches images (is there a better way to find out than clicking through the options of all the feeds?).

As the app was last updated on February 18th, I doubt that it has to do with an app update, but I have no clue what the issue might be then. Any ideas?

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Re: Android client: Does not show cached images anymore

Postby fox » 09 Apr 2017, 10:55

well i just tried it and it works the same as before

android app has no special coding for cached images btw

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Re: Android client: Does not show cached images anymore

Postby cschramm » 10 Apr 2017, 18:18

After some more debugging I think I found the reason: Chrome stopped trusting my host on the device (as it serves a StartCom certificate) and the view the TT RSS uses to render content seems to be affected by that as well, while the requests to the backend work fine.

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Re: Android client: Does not show cached images anymore

Postby fox » 10 Apr 2017, 19:45

don't use startcom man, switch to letsencrypt

no ssl is better than trusting those shady fucks

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Re: Android client: Does not show cached images anymore

Postby cschramm » 11 Apr 2017, 08:25

Technically I don't trust them by letting them sign my certificate. ;)

No, sure thing, certbot took over right after I discovered what the issue was.

Regarding the app, there's probably not much you can do, but if possible I guess it would make sense to use the same root certificates for accessing the backend (does that involve verification at all?) and within the web view.
Last edited by cschramm on 11 Apr 2017, 08:53, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Android client: Does not show cached images anymore

Postby fox » 11 Apr 2017, 08:49

take a guess why webview (chrome) seemingly has its own ssl/tls client and uses its own certificates

the answer is: android is a hopeless shitpile

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