Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

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Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby Radioraheem » 19 Sep 2015, 07:19

Sometime in the past few days almost every gawker network site (lifehacker, deadspin, etc.) seems to have changed how they handle youtube embeds, or I'm just completely missing something in my server config. I've searched the forums here using several query terms and variations and haven't found a similar report yet, but I remember that the last time gawker changed all their VIP (read: full content) feeds it was basically left to us few users who use them to figure out the new paths.

The error I'm seeing is: Not Found The requested URL /ajax/inset/iframe was not found on this server. Some googling on this error yields very few things other than links to gawker sites, so I'm wondering if this is something that they do now with their paths (everyone else seems to use /ajax/insert/iframe, not /ajax/inset/iframe).

Anybody else using the gawker full content feeds seeing the same thing on their server? And yes, I'm prepared for the fact that I might be the only one on ttrss still using them, and that gawker probably doesn't "officially" support them anymore.

Example feed:
When previewed in chrome I see blank spots in the same place where the youtube embeds should be.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby J M L » 19 Sep 2015, 19:03

Yes, I see the same thing. I'm using the videoframes plug in, which might make a difference. So far I haven't done anything to try to debug or solve the problem, so I'm not asking for help yet, just confirming your not alone.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby Hoodah » 20 Sep 2015, 01:24

I also read gawker (full) feeds in tt-rss and am experiencing this. Looks like they are swapping the youtube iframe source with some javascript mojo. It's annoying for sure.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby pizzaazzip » 25 Sep 2015, 06:29

J M L you said you use videoframes and you aren't having problems, I can't seem to get that to work with feeds directly from youtube, can you?

Edit: I should clarify I am having the same issue.
Last edited by pizzaazzip on 25 Sep 2015, 22:06, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby Akegata » 25 Sep 2015, 12:11

I'm having the same problem. I'm using the videoframes plugin.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby J M L » 26 Sep 2015, 00:00

pizzaazzip wrote:J M L you said you use videoframes and you aren't having problems, I can't seem to get that to work with feeds directly from youtube, can you?

That's not what I mean, so maybe my reply wasn't clear. I do have the /ajax not found error from gawker sites when using the videoframes plugin.

I'm not using any feeds from youtube, so I don't know how well the videoframes plugin works with those.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby linoth » 26 Sep 2015, 00:02

Still not sure why I'm hung up on this. I don't even use Gawker feeds anymore. I really shouldn't care.

1) The current videoframes won't fix it, seeing where as it's a two year old, third party plugin with no recent updates. You could try opening an issue on the plugin's github, but those haven't been touched in... a while. The crux of the problem is that Gawker did some stupid shit in their feed and that's gonna be fun to fix, and you'll probably have to do it yourself :D

2) YouTube specific feeds have been fixed for a while now. If you had just searched for "YouTube," the answer would have been on page 1 before this thread existed. That's a hint that the answer is now on page 2 of results. Here's another hint. The answer is af_youtube_embed. This forum does not treat those who don't help themselves nicely, so search next time.

af_readability does seem to recognize viddler, but I highly doubt it will do anything useful at all, since the library backing it is older than videoframes.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby pizzaazzip » 29 Sep 2015, 03:06

linoth wrote:Still not sure why I'm hung up on this. I don't even use Gawker feeds anymore. I really shouldn't care.

1) The current videoframes won't fix it, seeing where as it's a two year old, third party plugin with no recent updates. You could try opening an issue on the plugin's github, but those haven't been touched in... a while. The crux of the problem is that Gawker did some stupid shit in their feed and that's gonna be fun to fix, and you'll probably have to do it yourself :D

2) YouTube specific feeds have been fixed for a while now. If you had just searched for "YouTube," the answer would have been on page 1 before this thread existed. That's a hint that the answer is now on page 2 of results. Here's another hint. The answer is af_youtube_embed. This forum does not treat those who don't help themselves nicely, so search next time.

af_readability does seem to recognize viddler, but I highly doubt it will do anything useful at all, since the library backing it is older than videoframes.

Sorry I should clarify youtube specific feeds work for me when I use af_youtube_embeded just not videoframes. I thought possibly the gawker issue would go away with video frames only being enabled but I am mistaken.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby Radioraheem » 29 Sep 2015, 21:48

Received a response from Gawker support:


Thanks for the heads up. We’ll look into a solution, however I can promise a quick one as the VIP RSS is used by a very small percentage of our readers.

I’ll do my best to let you know once a fix has been released!


Ernie Deeb | Gawker Media
Manager, Community Support

So, at least they're aware and looking at it.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby Hoodah » 30 Sep 2015, 02:41

That is cool that you contacted them and that they got back to you. Too bad about the blow off; I'm pretty sure that "can" was supposed to be a "can't"
Thanks for the heads up. We’ll look into a solution, however I can promise a quick one as the VIP RSS is used by a very small percentage of our readers.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby J M L » 10 Oct 2015, 00:38

Now my Gawker vip feeds don't have any images. When I go directly to the feed, for example, I can see that there are images in the feed (for awhile only the first two or three images were in the feed). None of the images make it into tt-rss, though. I'm not in "Use less traffic" mode, and images in other feeds work fine.

Inspecting elements on the tt-rss page, the "img src=" doesn't show up where I expect it, so it looks like the image never makes it into tt-rss.

Below is a clip of the top of the current feed. The image at

Code: Select all,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1466826907270186054.jpg

can be opened in a browser or with curl without any problem.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><rss xmlns:itunes="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:taxo="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:feedburner="" version="2.0"><channel><title>Jalopnik</title><link></link><description>Drive Free or Die</description><language>en</language><item><title>Forward Deployed A-10 Warthogs Bathe Under The Aurora Borealis In Estonia</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<p class="has-media media-large has-image"><lazyload selector="img" from="src" to="data-src" replace="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns%3D'' viewBox%3D'0 0 800 500'%2F%3E"><img src=",fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1466826907270186054.jpg" width="800" height="500" alt="Forward Deployed A-10 Warthogs Bathe Under The Aurora Borealis In Estonia" data-chomp-id="1466826907270186054" data-asset-url=",fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1466826907270186054.jpg" data-format="jpg" />

I'll keep messing with this to see if I can find the issue, but in the meantime, is anybody else having the same problem? If it's just me then I'll suspect my configuration.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby pizzaazzip » 10 Oct 2015, 01:14

Yup, I'm having the same issue. If I remember correctly, it worked yesterday and I have not ran the latest update.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby Radioraheem » 13 Oct 2015, 16:35

Regular images just started showing back up for met this morning. Videos still broken.

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby pizzaazzip » 13 Oct 2015, 21:32

Yup, my photos started worked today as well. Correct me if I'm wrong, all someone would need to do to get the videos working is change the iframe code to work with tt-rss?

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Re: Gawker Site full content feeds with broken youtube embeds

Postby Radioraheem » 14 Oct 2015, 16:42

Received an update from the Gawker support folks:

"We’ve identified the lingering issue affecting video embeds in Feedly, we’re working to resolve that and should have a fix out in the next few days."

I'm assuming they mean RSS in general, but I replied and asked them to clarify just to be sure.

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