Create RSS feeds from Website - open source?

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Create RSS feeds from Website - open source?

Postby masgo » 23 May 2016, 13:36

There are many websites which do not offer RSS feeds (for example

For such websites one can use various services to create parse the websites and create an RSS feed from it. For example provides such a service. This would be the generated feed for the crashes mentioned on avherald:

The drawback is that services like feed43 are limited in their freely available functionality.

Is there some open source implementation which I can run on my own server to generate RSS feeds from websites?

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Re: Create RSS feeds from Website - open source?

Postby coolius » 23 May 2016, 14:09

I use fivefilters. You can find the source code here:

edit: Actually I don't think the extracting rss from webpage is in the source. You have to get that from here:

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Re: Create RSS feeds from Website - open source?

Postby zoider » 24 May 2016, 00:17


Rss-bridge is a PHP project capable of generating ATOM feeds for websites which don't have one.

It's an open source self hosted solution.

You need to develop your own bridge if the website is not included in the list.

See here for more details about that :

If you use the Facebook bridge try not to refresh the feed often or Facebook will ask for a captcha to show the content.

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Re: Create RSS feeds from Website - open source?

Postby masgo » 25 May 2016, 14:15

these solutions look promising. thank you.

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