introducing The Epube

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introducing The Epube

Postby fox » 25 Feb 2017, 16:18

weekend project: a web EPUB reader

last few weeks i was being progressively annoyed with google books working like shit. surprisingly enough, looks like nobody yet made a functional replacement i could use, therefore i had to hack something myself.

i was specifically interested in working with Calibre metadata.db, responsive design, storing and synchronizing lastread pointers between multiple users and devices, and offline capability.

re: offline

the idea is either download books to read manually or just open anything and it's transparently available later regardless of network conditions. when the network is up again lastread pointer is stored on the server.

in my experience the underlying tech (i.e. service workers) is a bit flaky atm but tends to work.

what it looks like:


what it needs: php and sqlite, Calibre books directory including metadata.db, http auth (mandatory i'm afraid, to distinguish users).

known issues:

1. epub.js may (rarely) hang on rendering, sometimes taking the entire chrome tab with it. not sure if its a bug in the library or my glue code.

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Re: introducing The Epube

Postby darknite323 » 26 Feb 2017, 18:27

Looks cool, reminds me of my back-log of books I never get around to reading.

OT: epube? I see what u did there :)

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Re: introducing The Epube

Postby bobberb » 16 Apr 2017, 22:24

Would you be able to provide an nginx config? I'm unsure of how to deploy this. Do I need to fastcgi line?

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Re: introducing The Epube

Postby fox » 16 Apr 2017, 23:09

there's not much of a config

Code: Select all

   location /books {
      auth_basic "books";
      auth_basic_user_file /path/to/htpasswd;

      include php_params;

where php_params is php fastcgi stuff: ... s/phpfcgi/ i keep in a separate include because nginx.

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