Multiple feeds stopped updating x date, anyone experienced similar?

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Multiple feeds stopped updating x date, anyone experienced similar?

Postby Striker21 » 13 Mar 2017, 19:42

Starting of in this sub-forum in case someone have experienced something similar:
VPS, Ubuntu 14.04, PostgreSQL, Tiny Tiny RSS v16.8 (557d86f) (main git)

I've some 1800 feeds in tiny running smooth for months, however as it looks last Wednesday (8th March) a higher random number of feeds seems to not update any more. Just checking the last_run in my PG SQL DB tiny claims to still check every 30 minutes but there are no new articles being fetched for a number of feeds as mentioned. However if I double click any of the bugged feeds through the UI it fetches updates for them like normal (and potentially seems to continue automatically afterwards).

Any thoughts on what's going on and/or what I can check to debug would be highly appreciate? I guess tiny or daemon don't require a fresh start now and then in general? I've also been adding some hundred feeds over the last months but as from what I can see update time wise current hardware/settings seems to cope with 1800 just fine with MAX JOBS set to 3 and FEED LIMIT 200).

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Re: Multiple feeds stopped updating x date, anyone experienced similar?

Postby fox » 13 Mar 2017, 20:07

it was a great idea to not post any logs or feed urls even or anything else of value

if things update as normal after you double click on a feed maybe you got some time-related problems on your server, resetting all update timestamps via update.php --help might help

also use ntp

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Re: Multiple feeds stopped updating x date, anyone experienced similar?

Postby Striker21 » 13 Mar 2017, 20:27

Investigating if time is messing something up as I did not have NTP running on my server and it was a few minutes out for some reason. Will look for some relevant logs next maybe do a full reset as suggested. thank you.

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Re: Multiple feeds stopped updating x date, anyone experienced similar?

Postby Striker21 » 14 Mar 2017, 01:50

Just ran a force-update and at least now it seems to update them all (last_update date wise). Will monitor but looks like you there was something with the server time. It's at 1500 feeds after 30 minutes with the following settings (dedicated server plenty of CPU, okay memory):

define('MAX_JOBS', '3');
define('DAEMON_FEED_LIMIT', 200);

That leaves 300 feeds that it's running late on updating; anyone got some thoughts as to the tweak to have to do a bit more multitasking (got plenty of CPU). Would that normally mean I should set JOBS to 4 and slightly lower feed limit or e.g. raise FEED LIMIT to e.g. 300 and keep 3 jpbs (pending I understand this stuff right)?

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Re: Multiple feeds stopped updating x date, anyone experienced similar?

Postby fox » 14 Mar 2017, 07:25

i think more jobs with smaller batches would work better but you'll probably have to experiment

i don't really have a lot of feeds on my instance so maybe someone else with relevant data will chime in

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