Running update deamon on Ubuntu server

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Re: Running update deamon on Ubuntu server

Postby davedave22 » 30 Mar 2013, 13:50

Have you checked the permissions for the lock directory? I believe the directories and files beneath them need to be writable by the web server user.

Ah, that fixed it! Cheers!

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Re: Running update deamon on Ubuntu server

Postby PureLoneWolf » 31 Mar 2013, 13:57

Hi all

I am on Debian Squeeze, and have tried all of the scripts in this thread. They seem to work at the beginning, but within a couple of hours stop, and I have to then run it manually.

Would anyone have any ideas?

Many thanks

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Re: Running update deamon on Ubuntu server

Postby epyon_avenger » 03 Aug 2013, 01:29

Based on zero_divide_1's script.

Update: Removed some unnecessary bits.

    1. Your files are located in /var/www/tt-rss
    2. Your web-server is running as www-data user and group.
    3. You are using mysql as your database.

How to Install
    1. Make sure your tt-rss directory, user, and group are correct.
    2. Place in /etc/init/tt-rss and chown to root:root.
    3. Run the following to allow easy "sudo service tt-rss (function)" style commands "sudo ln -s /lib/init/upstart-job /etc/init.d/tt-rss".
    4. Logs will located at /var/log/upstart/tt-rss.log

Code: Select all

description "TT-RSS Feed Updater"
author "The Epyon Avenger <epyon_avenger on TT-RSS forums>"

start on started mysql
stop on stopping mysql


setuid www-data
setgid www-data

chdir /var/www/tt-rss

exec php ./update_daemon2.php

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Re: Running update deamon on Ubuntu server

Postby nippon » 23 Mar 2014, 08:11

Your script has problems on *buntu13.10 because the php-module "pcntl" is missing. The ttrss-log contains the entry:
error: This script requires PHP compiled with PCNTL module.

I followed the instructions from If "apt-get source php5" does not work, you have forgotten to enable the source repo and you need to install "dpkg-dev". The last solves the error that "dpkg-x" is not available...

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Re: Running update deamon on Ubuntu server

Postby epyon_avenger » 23 Mar 2014, 09:12

nippon wrote:Your script has problems on *buntu13.10 because the php-module "pcntl" is missing. The ttrss-log contains the entry:
error: This script requires PHP compiled with PCNTL module.

I followed the instructions from If "apt-get source php5" does not work, you have forgotten to enable the source repo and you need to install "dpkg-dev". The last solves the error that "dpkg-x" is not available...

Are you using Apache or nginx?

I should have specified in my instructions, but I'm using php-fpm + nginx for everything, so if there are issues with mod-php I'm afraid I didn't test those.

I'm running 13.10 myself and I haven't seen that issue crop up.

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Re: Running update deamon on Ubuntu server

Postby nippon » 23 Mar 2014, 20:44

I am using Apache 2.4.6.

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