API? Roundcube

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API? Roundcube

Postby blubrss » 01 Apr 2013, 04:13


i am working on an Roundcube plugin to Integrate TT-RSS into its GUI.
I saw via Android there is an Software for it and its using the TT-RSS Api?

So my question is it possible to use this API to customice it?

So that it looks like Roundcube but uses API commands from it?

in the Meantime i added it via iFrame but that just not the same thing *G*

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Re: API? Roundcube

Postby Salzi » 21 May 2013, 21:03

Hey blurss

I'm also interested to integrate ttrss in roundcube. Did you already start? You can find the ttrss api here: http://tt-rss.org/redmine/projects/tt-rss/wiki/JsonApiReference
Do you already have experience with the plugin api of roundcube?
Currently I do not have much time but I would still like to help. Please let me know about your current state.

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Re: API? Roundcube

Postby Salzi » 21 May 2013, 21:14

Sorry for double posting

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