Update Script for TTRSS Trunk Version - Fedora

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Update Script for TTRSS Trunk Version - Fedora

Postby gbcox » 01 Jul 2013, 21:09

http://tso.bzb.us/2013/06/update-script ... rsion.html

This procedure does the following:

Stops your web server
Stops your TTRSS Update service
Stops the Sphinx Indexing Service - if activated in config.php
Updates TTRSS
Updates the TTRSS CONTRIB Plugins
Starts the web server
Starts your TTRSS Update service
Starts the Sphinx Indexing service - if activated in config.php
Notification of Database Schema change - which will also require you manually start your TTRSS Update and Sphinx Services
Automatic config.php update if config.php_dist changes. The previous copy of config.php will be retained for 14 days
Creation of activity log file which will be deleted after 14 days

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Re: Update Script for TTRSS Trunk Version - Fedora

Postby reibuehl » 03 Aug 2013, 14:36

Since I see no use of sudo in the script itself, I assume that I have to run the whole script with sudo to get the file rights set the right way, correct?

Did you get, by any chance, user feedback about what to change in the script to get it working with Debian? I can see that a few changes in the variables will be necessary and the systemctl calls need to be changed to use the "service" command and no ending on the service names.

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Re: Update Script for TTRSS Trunk Version - Fedora

Postby gbcox » 03 Aug 2013, 19:04

reibuehl wrote:Since I see no use of sudo in the script itself, I assume that I have to run the whole script with sudo to get the file rights set the right way, correct?

Correct. There is more complete information in the blog post, the URL is posted in this article. It mentions sudo.

I didn't receive any comments regarding Debian and yes if Debian doesn't use systemctl that would need to be changed. Just out of curiosity, what variables would need to be changed or are you just referring to the settings in var_ttrss.sh?

I've been using this daily and haven't noticed any issues. It was nice when it took care of the config.php-dist changes and gave a notification of the recent schema change.

If you do get it working in Debian, let me know what changes are required and I'll update the documentation.

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