PHP library which speeds up tt-rss

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PHP library which speeds up tt-rss

Postby smeerbartje » 25 Oct 2013, 09:24

I used to have a php library installed which speeded up tt-rss. I remember reading about it somewhere on, but unfortunately I cannot find it again. Can anyone please tell me what php addition I need to install in order to speed up tt-rss?

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Re: PHP library which speeds up tt-rss

Postby AngryChris » 25 Oct 2013, 09:34

I don't know if this is what you're referring to, but I use php-apc which is a php opcode cache. Meaning it keeps precompiled php opcodes in memory to avoid going back to disk and recompiling scripts each time they're executed. It's not a "php library" though, but I'm guessing this is the kind of thing you're referring to.

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Re: PHP library which speeds up tt-rss

Postby cy8aer » 25 Oct 2013, 10:04

I am using the concurrent system php5-xcache which might do the same as php-apc. I do not know which of these two systems is better though xcache makes problems for me every time I update owncloud (which is running on the same machine, needs to have xcache admin credentials on update??). But it definitely speeds up PHP.

Maybe this will help too: ... -vs-xcache

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Re: PHP library which speeds up tt-rss

Postby smeerbartje » 25 Oct 2013, 11:39

Thanks, but both suggestions is not what I meant. So stupid I can't remember which one it was. Only thing I know is that Fox suggested installing it. And I did install it by commando: "apt-get install php-blablalbla". Fox, any idea?

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Re: PHP library which speeds up tt-rss

Postby xtaz » 25 Oct 2013, 12:43

Pretty much sounds like the same thing to me. I can't imagine it being anything other than an opcode cache? FYI php-apc is no longer actively developed and it's recommended to switch to zend-opcache now which is bundled with the latest versions of PHP.

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Re: PHP library which speeds up tt-rss

Postby fox » 25 Oct 2013, 12:52

php-apc is most probably what you meant, op

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Re: PHP library which speeds up tt-rss

Postby smeerbartje » 25 Oct 2013, 14:53

Okay, most probably that was the library. How can I check whether tt-rss is using it?

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Re: PHP library which speeds up tt-rss

Postby fox » 25 Oct 2013, 15:05

php-apc has a special stats page, google for the details.

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Re: PHP library which speeds up tt-rss

Postby smeerbartje » 25 Oct 2013, 15:19

fox wrote:php-apc has a special stats page, google for the details.

Indeed, that's it... I also found the topic where I first heard about it: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1981&start=75

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