Aradais Reader for iOS with native support for TT-RSS

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Aradais Reader for iOS with native support for TT-RSS

Postby aradaisreader » 06 Nov 2013, 21:05


I'd like to let everyone know about the availability of Aradais Reader, which is a new app for iOS natively supporting TT-RSS. The distinguishing feature of Aradais Reader is its clean, gesture-based UI. You may find a demo video of the app at our website:

The app was primarily developed and tested against TT-RSS 1.8. It has been lightly verified to work with 1.10. In principle the app should support any TT-RSS installation conforming to API level >= 5.

Please note that the app is a paid app (and that I asked fox for permission prior to posting this).

Thanks go to fox for creating TT-RSS, making it freely available, and for providing and documenting an API for third-party clients.

Thank you,
Aradais Reader Dev

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