List of channel users, notifications in Android client

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List of channel users, notifications in Android client

Postby mariposa » 23 Jul 2013, 14:35

I'm using Tiny Tiny IRC on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus. So far I really like it, but there are two things I've noticed.

1) I can't view a list of users in the channels I've joined. I can see the user list in the web client, but not the Android client.
2) While I sometimes get notifications in the status bar/notification area that I've received messages, Tiny Tiny IRC doesn't trigger any sort of sound alert nor does it make the LED flash.

Is there a way to view the user list on the smartphone interface? If not, is it planned to add one? And are there any plans to add more comprehensive notifications? Thanks for writing the software and I hope you continue to develop it. I've been a user and fan of Tiny Tiny RSS for a long time, and I'm glad this software is equally as awesome. :) Thanks!

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Re: List of channel users, notifications in Android client

Postby fox » 23 Jul 2013, 14:46

1) userlist should be there in landscape on phones and on tablets in both orientations. It's not in portrait because it looks weird.

2) tt-irc doesn't create wakelocks so if your phone is asleep you won't get any updates until you actually turn the screen on which is when all new lines get downloaded. Which makes led thing somewhat pointless unless your phone is charging or something thus not sleeping.

Also notifications on android are somewhat wonky at the moment. Sometimes they work, sometimes for some reason they don't. One of these days I need to take a look at them.

Generally tt-irc android is a very low priority thing because most of my friends use the web ui only and I'm generally okay with the way it works already so.

e: hope you are using tt-irc trunk, the last released version was quite buggy.

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Re: List of channel users, notifications in Android client

Postby mariposa » 23 Jul 2013, 14:53

I think my keyboard is configured to take up the full screen on landscape, so that would be why I don't see the list. I didn't think about turning that off and trying it that way. I'll give that a shot in a little while and see if that solves that problem. :) That does make sense regarding the notifications. I hadn't thought of that.

I can understand it being low priority, but please don't abandon it! I've been trying to figure out a way to have a somewhat unified IM setup using bitlbee, ZNC, etc., and this gives me pretty much all I need to be able to do it. Running full-blown IRC clients on Android killed the battery and are extremely awkward to use. I was going to use one of the IRC clients that has a detachable back-end (Quassel or Weechat) with Android clients, but they lack any good web interfaces. The Tiny Tiny IRC web interface is good enough that I can just use it all the time and am quite happy with it. :)

Thanks for the quick response too. :)

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Re: List of channel users, notifications in Android client

Postby fox » 23 Jul 2013, 15:52

>I think my keyboard is configured to take up the full screen on landscape, so that would be why I don't see the list

Keyboard in landscape being fullscreen is an android thing on phones I think. You need to press back once because when you open a channel tt-irc focuses the input prompt.

> I've been trying to figure out a way to have a somewhat unified IM setup using bitlbee, ZNC, etc., and this gives me pretty much all I need to be able to do it.

Yeah I use it same way (bitlbee and ircd). Personally I like the shared history/log buffers between android and web ui and the way I can just quickly login on android to check things up without having a separate nick etc.

Going by the number of users I don't think this is important to a lot of people though. Well, not a lot of people use irc in the first place anymore.

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Re: List of channel users, notifications in Android client

Postby mariposa » 23 Jul 2013, 16:24

> Yeah I use it same way (bitlbee and ircd). Personally I like the shared history/log buffers between android and web ui and the way I can just quickly login on android to check things up without having a separate nick etc.

Is there a way to have Tiny Tiny IRC store all logs and retrieve them within the web and Android interface? I think there was a configuration option with how many lines of history to keep, but it'd be pretty nice to be able to pull that down/query it whenever. :) That's something else I'd been looking for, but anything that acts as a vanilla IRC client can't really do that too well. Anyway, just a thought in case that hasn't come up before. Again, I appreciate the effort. Whether or not other people want the same type of setup, I'm quite happy to have found it. :)

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Re: List of channel users, notifications in Android client

Postby fox » 23 Jul 2013, 16:35

I think purging is configurable in the java daemon, the default is something like keep 1 day of logs. The client does not retrieve a lot of logs to save on bandwidth/time (unless you had it running which will make it retrieve everything from last received id but the output will be limited to save memory and prevent things from getting to slow).

Anyway, it's possible to make a log viewer but I never bothered because nobody I know needs it (and we have an eggdrop bot which writes the general channel chatter). Also, keeping logs in SQL indefinitely seems wasteful while adding a separate logging to textfiles boring and kinda meh.

e: channel stuff is in the database in the first place because the frontend and backend need a way to exchange data but it's supposed to be a cache, not log. There's no logging in tt-irc.

The thing about tt-irc is that is had grown to be quite specialized wrt feature set, there's a lot of stuff which should be quite odd for someone who just installed the tarball like keyword rewriting, rotating emoticons, etc. Don't be surprised by weird stuff.

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