Issues with nick lists (web interface and Android)

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Issues with nick lists (web interface and Android)

Postby mariposa » 20 May 2014, 20:02

I think I've run into a bug or two, but I'm not entirely sure. I don't know exactly where to report them aside from the forum, so here it is!

1) On the web interface, I can't figure out what criteria is being used to sort nicks. I could've sworn that the nicks were originally sorted by status first and alphabetical names last. However, the nick list I use with my bitlbee instance seems to be all over the place. My user and root are always at the top as ops. Voiced users usually come next, but sometimes some of the voiced nicks will be listed much farther down the list and are mixed in with the away/normal users. Sometimes these are sorted alphabetically, but occasionally they're not. When I look in the database the nick lists are stored as JSON in various permutations, sometimes different than what's displayed in the web interface. So I have no idea where the problem is or what's going on.

2) On the Android client you cannot get a nick list in landscape mode on a phone (Galaxy Nexus for mine) if the channel name doesn't begin with #. Since bitlbee uses &bitlbee by default as the control channel, I couldn't ever get a nick list when I placed the phone horizontally for landscape mode. I reported this about a year or so ago, but I didn't know why the problem occurred on my phone but not on others, and I thought it was due to the keyboard app I was using. However, with some experimentation, I've found the use of other channel identifiers to be the culprit.

Any way you could check on these at some point and let me know? I appreciate it! Thanks! :)

ETA: I'm using the latest trunk version from Github as of about 15 minutes ago.

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Re: Issues with nick lists (web interface and Android)

Postby fox » 20 May 2014, 20:19

1) I dunno, it should be sorted by status then alphabetically. It works for me just fine. Maybe your nick starts with some weird character?

2) Yeah it could be hardcoded that channel should start with #. I don't really use bitlbee so I never cared about it.

>Any way you could check on these at some point and let me know? I appreciate it! Thanks! :)

Unless you figure it out and send me a proper pull request, me fixing something that doesn't concern the group of my friends who use tt-irc is rather unlikely. Sorry.

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