Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby slayit » 15 Jan 2014, 14:18

There are two pull requests on GitHub for this exact issue. (since 5 months) ... ugin/pulls

Quickfix would be:
in /plugins/fever/fever_api.php on line 403

Code: Select all

$where .= "id > " . db_escape_string($since_id*1000) . " "; // NASTY hack for Mr. Reader 2.0 on iOS and TinyTiny RSS Fever


Code: Select all

$where .= "id > " . db_escape_string($since_id) . " ";

You'll be losing support for Mr. Reader but Press works like a charm. :)
(If you need support for both look at the link at the top of this post)

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby darkpollo » 15 Jan 2014, 17:35

It does not work for me on the 1.5.3.

I tried with both links and i can see the starred items but not the unread.


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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby slayit » 15 Jan 2014, 18:37

I'm on tt-rss 1.11 and Press 1.5.3 too.

Dasmurphy even updated his plugin some minutes ago. Unfortunately this version doesn't work for me either. :/

I'm using this modified plugin version of 1.4.5 and it works just fine:

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby murphy » 15 Jan 2014, 18:46

I updated the plugin to a new release 1.4.6 which should fix the press problem.

Please try here: ... /tag/1.4.6

I'm sorry for the long delay. If there are problems, please post here. I'm reading always.

@slayit: Thanks. I will compare to my current version...

Cheers, murphy :)

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby darkpollo » 15 Jan 2014, 18:50

Using this fork works fine on Press 1.5.3 for me:

1.4.6 from murphy it still doesn´t work for me.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby slayit » 15 Jan 2014, 19:27

murphy wrote:@slayit: Thanks. I will compare to my current version...

As I said, it's just your version 1.4.5 with the little change on line 403.
The change is from this pull request: ... l/12/files

The last time I looked into GitHub it was not closed.
Personally I like the solution of nixterrimus better, since it's Mr. Reader that's causing the problems with this 'nasty fix'.
The changes from Feverqwe you seem to have applied are the other way around. (if not Dalvik and not Readkit and not Mr. Reader then it must be Press... faulty logic if you ask me)

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby murphy » 16 Jan 2014, 01:18

slayit wrote:
murphy wrote:@slayit: Thanks. I will compare to my current version...

As I said, it's just your version 1.4.5 with the little change on line 403.
The change is from this pull request: ... l/12/files

The last time I looked into GitHub it was not closed.
Personally I like the solution of nixterrimus better, since it's Mr. Reader that's causing the problems with this 'nasty fix'.
The changes from Feverqwe you seem to have applied are the other way around. (if not Dalvik and not Readkit and not Mr. Reader then it must be Press... faulty logic if you ask me)

Yeah, i needed to do something. The other patch seems a little more refined and fixes some more stuff than only the Press problem. I will be rechecking the code with care and update it. I current have version 1.4.7 out.

Currently i have so much to do and little to no free time to change some more. Hope this one works with press ;) Otherwise help me here a little bit and report it. I still try to fix it in time.

Thanks a lot and cheers...

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby murphy » 16 Jan 2014, 01:59

slayit wrote:The changes from Feverqwe you seem to have applied are the other way around. (if not Dalvik and not Readkit and not Mr. Reader then it must be Press... faulty logic if you ask me)

For your information. The code there is much cleaner. I updated it with a new name for the $IS_PRESS constant, since it not only checks for Press, but checks for 3 clients which will be getting the hack and the other ones will not getting the hack. Hope this will clear up somewhat. I'm testing the code right now with my Mr.Reader 2.1, since i only have an iPad 1. If anyone can test it with Mr.Reader 3.0 and other it would be very cool. Please report success and no succes here. Thanks ;)

Mr.Reader 2.1 seems to be working fine.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby randian » 16 Jan 2014, 23:23

I think I'm seeing something similar with ReadKit. When the Fever feed is enabled no feeds show up, only a "feed" called Starred, which of course contains nothing. ReadKit also indicates an error (! icon) of some kind. TT-RSS 1.11, installed the Fever plugin yesterday by cloning from GitHub and copying that into my tt-rss installation.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby XianPalin » 16 Jan 2014, 23:56

randian wrote:I think I'm seeing something similar with ReadKit. When the Fever feed is enabled no feeds show up, only a "feed" called Starred, which of course contains nothing. ReadKit also indicates an error (! icon) of some kind. TT-RSS 1.11, installed the Fever plugin yesterday by cloning from GitHub and copying that into my tt-rss installation.

You might want to try and re-clone and test again. I just use Reeder. Everything was working fine but I decided to upgrade to the "1.46" version, and it broke all syncing for me. I checked again this morning and saw there was a "1.47" release and that fixed syncing for me.

Edit: Murphy, it would be helpful if you updated the init.php and increased the version number any time you make an edit, especially if you expecting someone to clone it and have a certain version.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby smeerbartje » 17 Jan 2014, 23:50

Indeed, 1.47 fixed it. Working fine again...

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby randian » 19 Jan 2014, 13:25

XianPalin wrote:
randian wrote:I think I'm seeing something similar with ReadKit. When the Fever feed is enabled no feeds show up, only a "feed" called Starred, which of course contains nothing. ReadKit also indicates an error (! icon) of some kind. TT-RSS 1.11, installed the Fever plugin yesterday by cloning from GitHub and copying that into my tt-rss installation.

You might want to try and re-clone and test again. I just use Reeder. Everything was working fine but I decided to upgrade to the "1.46" version, and it broke all syncing for me. I checked again this morning and saw there was a "1.47" release and that fixed syncing for me.

Cloned again and reinstalled. Now I'm getting feed articles! However, ReadKit is giving me an error for the Fever feed: "Failed to fetch entries: the response received from the server for request could not be processed. It may be caused by an exception to the server". Entirely unhelpful, I know. I'm not obviously losing any articles, when I compare to what I get with a direct feed reader (NetNewsWire).

ReadKit shows a Sparks feed but it's empty and I have no idea if that part of Fever emulation works or how to add anything to it.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby waldo » 22 Jan 2014, 08:47

Plugin 1.4.7, tt-rss 1.11, Reeder 2. I see this error a couple times a day in Reeder: "Please verify your account information or re-authorize your account" and then I have to re-enter my URL, username, and password. Is anyone else seeing this?

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby JustAMacUser » 22 Jan 2014, 09:14

waldo wrote:Plugin 1.4.7, tt-rss 1.11, Reeder 2. I see this error a couple times a day in Reeder: "Please verify your account information or re-authorize your account" and then I have to re-enter my URL, username, and password. Is anyone else seeing this?

Might be un-related, but I have seen Reeder do this when there's a failure to connect to the server. Check the server logs around the times when you get this error to see if anything unusual stands out like failed connections or HTTP response codes other than 200.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby waldo » 22 Jan 2014, 18:05

JustAMacUser wrote:Might be un-related, but I have seen Reeder do this when there's a failure to connect to the server. Check the server logs around the times when you get this error to see if anything unusual stands out like failed connections or HTTP response codes other than 200.

I don't see anything - the server is on the same LAN, anyway.

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