Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

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Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby DigitalDJ » 06 May 2013, 16:56

Hello all,

Now that Reeder (one of the best iOS RSS readers) has support for Fever, it has the ability to specify a URL to a self-hosted RSS service. Well, you know what that means...

Why don't we just emulate the Fever API for use with TT-RSS? Well, I did.

The plugin is attached to this post.

Simply unzip to tt-rss/plugins/ and enable "fever" plugin via Preferences.


Once you reload, you'll see a "Fever Emulation" tab at the bottom of the main Preferences page. Here, you will need to set a password specifically for use with this plugin (although it can be the same as your TT-RSS password), since Fever uses a different authentication mechanism to TT-RSS. Once you set the password, you're ready to setup Reeder on iOS.


Open up Reeder on iOS, add a new account via the Settings page.


Select "Fever" as the account type.


Fill the "Server" field with: , The "Username" field with your TT-RSS username and the "Password" field with the password you entered in the "Fever Emulation" preferences. Hit Done...and things should start syncing!


Note: Since Reeder doesn't have native support for TT-RSS, some of the more advanced functionality isn't available. For example, special feeds (like tags/labels), internal sharing features and nested categories (they are instead flattened) are not available. But hey, Reeder and TT-RSS!


Hope you enjoy. I have thought of a way to add labels and tag support, but I will work on these at a later date. Also, I'm unsure how well this works with PostgreSQL, so YMMV.
v1.2 Hopefully fix PostgreSQL support
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Last edited by DigitalDJ on 27 May 2013, 03:14, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby isarpirat » 06 May 2013, 22:28

Awesome plugin - thanks for your great work!
Reeder was indeed the best Google Reader client for iOS - glad I can put it back on my homescreen now, at least on iPhone (Reeder for iPad doesn't have Fever support yet).
Your plugin already has nearly everything I need for my mobile reading, worked right out of the box, no issues so far.
Only shortcomings I have noticed as of yet (although those are probably limitations of the Fever-API or Reeders implementation of it): starred archived articles (migrated from GReader) don't show up in the Starred category and no swiping left to star in the article list.

Edit: swipe to star seems to work now ... strange, but I won't complain :)

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby DigitalDJ » 07 May 2013, 02:56

isarpirat wrote:Awesome plugin - thanks for your great work!
Reeder was indeed the best Google Reader client for iOS - glad I can put it back on my homescreen now, at least on iPhone (Reeder for iPad doesn't have Fever support yet).
Your plugin already has nearly everything I need for my mobile reading, worked right out of the box, no issues so far.
Only shortcomings I have noticed as of yet (although those are probably limitations of the Fever-API or Reeders implementation of it): starred archived articles (migrated from GReader) don't show up in the Starred category and no swiping left to star in the article list.

Edit: swipe to star seems to work now ... strange, but I won't complain :)

Hm Starring should work, but yeah...the archive feed isn't included since Reeder only allows one "Starred-like" feed.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby wje » 07 May 2013, 05:55

When I try and set the password, I am getting 3 warnings:

Code: Select all

Warning: Missing argument 2 for db_query(), called in /home/xxxxx/ on line 68 and defined in /home/xxxxx/ on line 54

Warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 2 to be resource, string given in /home/xxxxx/ on line 65

Warning: mysql_error() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in /home/xxxxx/ on line 69
Query failed:

Any idea? I believe I've run through installing the plugin correctly.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby xtaz » 07 May 2013, 12:48

This would be amazing if I could get it to work, but I just seem to be getting 500 server error for some reason.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby DigitalDJ » 07 May 2013, 13:01

Error 500 won't help me debug. Check your web server's error log or PHP logs.

As for the warnings, I'm not sure what's going on here. What version of PHP, MySQL and TT-RSS are you using? Are you using single-user mode for authentication?

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby xtaz » 07 May 2013, 13:52

I solved the 500 issue. It was because I used a symlink for the fever directory as I usually install 3rd party plugins in another directory and just symlink them into the plugins directory. I guess your use of things like chdir ../.. doesn't agree with this.

Though now I have a different issue. Reeder tells me that the username/password is wrong. I might be wrong but it doesn't look like I can set the password in the preferences. I type a password into the box and click set password, but if I then exit preferences and go back into it again the password box is empty as if it hasn't actually set it? Also I don't get the "Password saved" popup. The ttrss_plugin_storage table is empty. Using Firefox and the latest trunk version of tt-rss from github.

Investigated this in Firebug and can see that the data is being posted to tt-rss backend.php and it's receiving a 200 OK but there isn't any content in the response. The data is "op=pluginhandler&method=save&plugin=fever&password=test&csrf_token=80d5ae24da9e880591e5dab4deea92e3817628ad", but it's not actually being saved into the database.

I've been adding some debug into the init.php and if I stick an echo statement into the isset password/uid section then it displays, I can see that both the password and the uid are set. But the fact I don't see "Password saved." means that section isn't being entered. So I am assuming that the SQL statement to SELECT login is failing to return anything? If I run the SQL it works though and I get my username. The db_fetch_assoc must be false for some reason. If I echo print_r($result) then it shows: mysqli_result Object ( [current_field] => 0 [field_count] => 1 [lengths] => [num_rows] => 0 [type] => 0 ) 1

Also the trunk version of tt-rss has a syslog panel in the preferences, this shows this:

E_WARNING (2) plugins/fever/init.php:68 mysql_real_escape_string(): A link to the server could not be established
E_WARNING (2) plugins/fever/init.php:68 mysql_real_escape_string(): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO)

I'm wondering if this problem is that when you wrote the plugin you are using the mysql driver, but those of us who are having problems are using the mysqli driver or something like that?
Last edited by xtaz on 07 May 2013, 16:37, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby ZeGuigui » 07 May 2013, 16:12

same issue here:

Code: Select all

[Tue May 07 14:08:47 2013] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  Missing argument 2 for db_query(), called in /usr/share/tt-rss/plugins/fever/init.php on line 68 and defined in /usr/share/tt-rss/include/db.php on line 54, referer: https://myhost/tt-rss/prefs.php
[Tue May 07 14:08:47 2013] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  mysql_query() expects parameter 2 to be resource, string given in /usr/share/tt-rss/include/db.php on line 65, referer: https://myhost/tt-rss/prefs.php
[Tue May 07 14:08:47 2013] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  mysql_error() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in /usr/share/tt-rss/include/db.php on line 69, referer: https://myhost/tt-rss/prefs.php

When saving the password I get a "Query failed:" from the ajax call.

I am using TT-RSS v1.7.8, PHP 5.3.10 and MySQL 5.5.31.
Any hint welcome!

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby DigitalDJ » 07 May 2013, 16:40

Actually, I'm using a trunk version of about 1 week old. Maybe that's the issue.

However, give this one a shot. Doubt it'll work, but hey.
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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby ZeGuigui » 07 May 2013, 16:45

not better. Same error!
Will try to go to trunk but last time I tried I had some issues with git on my server !

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby xtaz » 07 May 2013, 16:53

This version works for me now. I'm actually using the latest trunk version myself. But yes, just tried this 1.1 version and it lets me set the password.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby DigitalDJ » 07 May 2013, 16:58

Okay, cool. I believe the "PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for db_query()" errors are related to not having trunk.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby wje » 07 May 2013, 16:59

I'm using PHP54, mysqlnd 5.0.10, and tt-rss v1.7.8. I am not running single user mode.

I noticed that I could not log in with Reeder, and I am getting the Warnings when I click Save Password. I'm pretty sure that part is failing, which would explain why I can't authenticate using Reeder.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby xtaz » 07 May 2013, 17:02

DigitalDJ wrote:Okay, cool. I believe the "PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for db_query()" errors are related to not having trunk.

I would say it's related to this: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1859 , so yes, people will either need to use trunk, or wait for 1.7.9.

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Re: Reeder (iOS) integration with TT-RSS (via Fever API)

Postby DigitalDJ » 07 May 2013, 17:04

Hah, having only adapted to TT-RSS within the last week...I wasn't aware. I just switched from GReader. Sorry, this plugin will work with 1.7.9 though :)

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