[Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby levito » 12 Jul 2013, 16:22

Hey fox, this was fast! Yes, this fixes it. Thanks a lot!

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby davidm » 12 Jul 2013, 18:33

levito wrote:@davidm: Yes, a bug. But not in the theme, but in Tiny Tiny RSS itself. The default theme also doesn't hide the content preview.

But I triple checked it!

[Checks again.]

Uh. You're right.

[Starts kicking own head.]

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby davidm » 18 Jul 2013, 12:07

Sorry to be reporting again and again... Since I last updated, the floating title for combined mode is displaying when there is no open article. The top visible headline is generating a floating title, always. This is particularly evident when items are grouped by feed: the floating title can appear above the feed title. I have highlighted the floating title and the closed headline in this screenshot:

ttrss.png (37.46 KiB) Viewed 8127 times

These floating titles also slow down the scrolling. Firefox 22 on Linux. tt-rss on a shared hosting.

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby levito » 18 Jul 2013, 21:38

@davidm: nevermind, it's always good to get feedback.

You could try with removing these lines from the CSS, in line 1298:

Code: Select all

#floatingTitle:not(:empty) {
   display: block !important;

This should solve the initially visible floating title thing. I didn't like that the floating title turns off and on while scrolling, so I added this rule.

Normally, changing feeds should result in an empty floating title, which is still hidden. But that's not always working. It's a JS issue, I can't do anything about it in a theme. Same with the scrolling performance - it's very unlikely that it's caused by the theme. Or is it noticeably better with the default theme?

Firefox and TT-RSS is not the fastest combination. I feel Chrome/Chromium performs a lot better with it. I contributed some scrolling performance optimization to TT-RSS, but it's really hard with such a large, complex codebase. But I can say: There's still a lot of juice in it :)

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby davidm » 19 Jul 2013, 08:59

Thanks, your solution worked. The floating panel works as in the default theme, and the perceived performance is better.

Then I had to complicate my life. I didn't want to have to remember the change everytime I update your theme, so I tried to do somethin equivalent within the custom CSS dialog. Complications: the selector is complicated (I didn't even know that :empty and :not existed :oops: ) and is !important. I simply added this to custom CSS:

Code: Select all

#floatingTitle:not(:empty) {
   display: none !important;

Well, that obliterates the floating title even when it should appear AND the perceived performance is still poor. :?:

As you say, Firefox is slower than Chrome (and even worse on Linux). But this performance hit only happens with your theme, not with the default.

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby levito » 19 Jul 2013, 19:36

That's interesting... Could you please check the performance if you replace the rule with this:

Code: Select all

#floatingTitle {
   display: block !important;

If it's better, I will change it in the theme. Currently this will show a border on top of the articles which I don't want. But with some minor changes this would be fixed.

And: After the change you could get rid of the floating title with a simple

Code: Select all

#floatingTitle {
   display: none !important;

in your custom stylesheet.

Thanks for your feedback and for pointing this out! Good performance is crucial, always :)

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby davidm » 25 Jul 2013, 22:12

Doing those two changes in my instance makes the floating title disappears in all situations, and the performance on Firefox to improve (smoother scrolling).


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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby levito » 25 Jul 2013, 22:36

I have applied the change to the code on GitHub (the one to always show the floating title). Very interesting that the :not(:empty) in the selector slowed things down so much in Firefox. I could feel the difference pretty much.

What I've also done recently is changing the skin of the preferences by customizing the whole Dojo/Dijit theme. So everything is more consistent now.

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby recognitium » 30 Jul 2013, 13:37

Nice theme. I would like to know if there is any easy tweak to show only 1 line per article , when the article is not open.

Thanks for the great work.

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby levito » 31 Jul 2013, 03:19

@recognitium: sure, just add this as custom stylesheet:

Code: Select all

.cdm.expandable:not(.active) .titleWrap,
.hlTitle {
   white-space: nowrap;
   overflow: hidden;
   text-overflow: ellipsis;
.hlTitle {
   max-width: 1px;

This will make both closed expandable view (.cdm...) and classic view items (.hlTitle) single line. .hlTitle needs the max-width hack. I don't know what makes this works, but it does. Tested in Chrome 28, Firefox 22 and Safari 6.

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby Jekyll » 31 Jul 2013, 03:22

I can not open headline links (a class=title) with right-click using Firefox 22.0 and Right Links Addon.
(This addon normally enables opening links with right click instead of middle click).

It does work in default.css

TIA Jekyll

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby levito » 31 Jul 2013, 05:41

No idea what this could be. A theme - pure styling - doesn't change any behavior. Did you double-check if it's still working with the default theme?

Maybe you didn't hit the actual link right. I have set the mouse cursor to pointer for the whole row (e.g. in collapsed mode). I think the FF plugin will only detect clicks on A elements. Have a look at your status bar: it shows you the URL if you're actually hovering a link.

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby levito » 01 Aug 2013, 03:08

@recognitium: I have made single-line article previews default. So you can simply update and remove your custom style.

Also, I have added styles for some new features of TT-RSS trunk:
  • search term highlighting
  • jump to article top
  • read/unread state for floating title
  • new plugin: shorten expanded articles (which I loved instantly!)
Have fun!

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby recognitium » 05 Aug 2013, 12:11

levito wrote:@recognitium: I have made single-line article previews default. So you can simply update and remove your custom style.

Also, I have added styles for some new features of TT-RSS trunk:
  • search term highlighting
  • jump to article top
  • read/unread state for floating title
  • new plugin: shorten expanded articles (which I loved instantly!)
Have fun!

Thanks a lot, @levito!. I'll start using and probably recommend it for my research group .

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] feedly theme built from scratch

Postby Uribou » 09 Aug 2013, 00:16

Is there a way to re-enable multiple-line article previews?


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