[Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby bonelifer » 25 Jun 2014, 08:07

For me on TT-RSS 1.12 and the current version of this theme if I have "Combined feed display" set the feeds are mangled.


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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby aratistern » 28 Jun 2014, 15:27

Is it possible to have a permanent search field visible, e.g. above the feeds list, that by default searches through all feeds and articles?

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby graymattr » 29 Dec 2014, 20:47

Hi folks,

I just updated to 1.15.3, and after installing the clean-greader theme, I now see a perpetual "Loading please wait X" notification in the top left of the main screen. Is anyone else seeing that? I tried clearing my cache, but it didn't change it...

While I am here, I am also looking to increase the font size of the titles to 14px. I had old instructions for this (located on pg 3 of this thread), but it seems things have moved. Where is the best place for me to make that change?


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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby HeikoAdams » 29 Dec 2014, 22:12

ATM most 3rd party themes are broken because some changes on the ttrss default theme and with 1.16 there will be a mechanism to block incompatible themes. So it's the theme-autors job to fix theire themes to make them work with recent ttrss versions.

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby fox » 29 Dec 2014, 22:26

they did add the necessary thing to the .css i guess while not bothering to verify if it actually works

either that or cache issues

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby graymattr » 30 Dec 2014, 00:07

Thanks for the info, gents. I've cleared my browser cache, but am still seeing it. I'll sit tight.

Cheers and happy new year.

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby Timur » 16 Jan 2015, 19:42

naeramarth7 wrote:
Gizmoh wrote:The Theme is really great, thank you.

I have some small problems with the icons not showing:

I've installed the newest tt-rss version on a windows server running microsoft IIS and a MySQL Database. Any idea why the icons don't show?


Currently only Chrome and Firefox are supported. Since I'm on Linux only at home, I cannot support Internet Explorer (as mentioned in the description on GitHub). The problem is caused by pseudo elements not working correctly on Internet Explorer - and as far as I can see you are using IE9.

Sorry for now.

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Hey! Thanks for this great looking theme!

Yesterday I updated TTRSS from version 1.13 to 1.15.3, also updating your theme as well. After doing so icons stopped showing - like in the picture above - on Windows 8.1 + Firefox 35 and also on Android 4.4.4 - Firefox, Chrome and LastPass-Browser.
I set-up TTRSS from scratch but icons are still missing.
Then I patched the new skin version with an old copy of your skin I used since early summer 2014 till yesterday. I got the icons back but also introduced the "Loading please wait X" notification in the top left of the main screen...

Could you please look into your changes to make your theme working for some of us again? Thank you very much!

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby naeramarth7 » 20 Feb 2015, 16:03

Timur wrote:
naeramarth7 wrote:
Gizmoh wrote:The Theme is really great, thank you.

I have some small problems with the icons not showing:

I've installed the newest tt-rss version on a windows server running microsoft IIS and a MySQL Database. Any idea why the icons don't show?


Currently only Chrome and Firefox are supported. Since I'm on Linux only at home, I cannot support Internet Explorer (as mentioned in the description on GitHub). The problem is caused by pseudo elements not working correctly on Internet Explorer - and as far as I can see you are using IE9.

Sorry for now.

Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk [url='http://tapatalk.com/m?id=10']now Free[/url]

Hey! Thanks for this great looking theme!

Yesterday I updated TTRSS from version 1.13 to 1.15.3, also updating your theme as well. After doing so icons stopped showing - like in the picture above - on Windows 8.1 + Firefox 35 and also on Android 4.4.4 - Firefox, Chrome and LastPass-Browser.
I set-up TTRSS from scratch but icons are still missing.
Then I patched the new skin version with an old copy of your skin I used since early summer 2014 till yesterday. I got the icons back but also introduced the "Loading please wait X" notification in the top left of the main screen...

Could you please look into your changes to make your theme working for some of us again? Thank you very much!

Any chance you installed ttrss on IIS? In this case, mapping the .otf file extension solved the mentioned issue for Gizmoh.
See: http://big.info/2013/06/how-to-use-otf- ... ts-on.html

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby tk421storm » 04 Mar 2015, 17:44

I'm having trouble with this theme on a widescreen monitor.
Untitled-1.jpg (105.68 KiB) Viewed 10107 times
Instead of stretching to take up the whole screen, it stays small and in the center. The "toggle widescreen mode" option in the preferences seems doesn't do anything when I click on it. I'm running a clean install of


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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby naeramarth7 » 04 Mar 2015, 18:56

tk421storm wrote:I'm having trouble with this theme on a widescreen monitor.
Instead of stretching to take up the whole screen, it stays small and in the center. The "toggle widescreen mode" option in the preferences seems doesn't do anything when I click on it. I'm running a clean install of


Actually, it's not a bug, it's a feature.
If you want it to stretch, remove the following line in main.scss#L68 and rebuild using gulp.

Code: Select all

# if not already installed, install gulp client first
npm install -g gulp-cli

cd /dir/to/clean-greader
npm install
gulp build

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby tk421storm » 04 Mar 2015, 19:07

Wow! thanks, but that's complicated. Do those instructions work on ubuntu? I'm getting strange errors trying to run "npm install", saying it can't find the repository gulp-cli.

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby mjb » 07 Mar 2015, 19:41

I am having to create a symlink in my main tt-rss folder:

Code: Select all

ln -s themes/clean-greader/font font

Otherwise, clean-greader is not showing checkboxes. Is this a known issue or just something messed up in my install?

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby naeramarth7 » 07 Mar 2015, 20:33

mjb wrote:I am having to create a symlink in my main tt-rss folder:

Code: Select all

ln -s themes/clean-greader/font font

Otherwise, clean-greader is not showing checkboxes. Is this a known issue or just something messed up in my install?

Thanks for pointing that out! Must have totally missed that one, since I have FontAwesome locally installed, but the .otf file indeed fails with an 404.

Should be fixed with c54f3e58.

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby david_r » 16 Apr 2015, 00:36

naeramarth7 wrote:
tk421storm wrote:I'm having trouble with this theme on a widescreen monitor.
Instead of stretching to take up the whole screen, it stays small and in the center. The "toggle widescreen mode" option in the preferences seems doesn't do anything when I click on it. I'm running a clean install of


Actually, it's not a bug, it's a feature.
If you want it to stretch, remove the following line in main.scss#L68 and rebuild using gulp.

Code: Select all

# if not already installed, install gulp client first
npm install -g gulp-cli

cd /dir/to/clean-greader
npm install
gulp build

I would like to see this as well. I do not seem to have the ability to do this on my shared host. Any help? Thanks

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Re: [Theme][GitHub] clean-greader - Google Reader inspired

Postby Sciamano » 21 Oct 2016, 12:49

I recently updated both tt-rss and clean-reader on my shared hosting on Hostgator.
Unfortunately I can't use npm on my hostgator shell, as it is not installed (and I cannot install).
Is there any workaround or any other way than using npm to rebuild the css file in order to enable widescreen?

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