[github] get full post

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Re: [github] get full post

Postby afk_zzz » 11 Feb 2015, 22:19

Thanks Manuel! Excluded feeds works like a charm now :D

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Re: [github] get full post

Postby atallo » 06 Jul 2015, 23:48

I'm original author of https://github.com/atallo/ttrss_fullpost I publish a new version.

https://tt-rss.org/forum/viewtopic.php? ... 256#p13256

Manuel, I copy some of your code. Thanks.

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Re: [github] get full post

Postby foo_mep2 » 07 Jul 2015, 22:12

hmm.. this plugin don't appear on settings -> plugins :(

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Re: [github] get full post

Postby mrflible » 08 Jul 2015, 17:00

Same problem, after instalation from https://github.com/atallo/ttrss_fullpost i cant see "Show full post" anywhere.

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Re: [github] get full post

Postby pcause » 13 Jul 2015, 22:06

Given the changes that fox has made recently, you need to comment out the call to the local call of readability. The included version is already instantiated and this gives an error.

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Re: [github] get full post

Postby atallo » 15 Jul 2015, 01:36

Now ttrss have a similar plugins: af_readability

You cannot use af_readability and af_fullpost in same instalation..

I fix some compatibility problems in af_fullpost: https://github.com/atallo/ttrss_fullpost/issues/1


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Re: [github] get full post

Postby mrflible » 23 Sep 2015, 23:21

Hello, still same problem.
Event if I remove af_readability from plugin directory and after new instalation af_fullpost (https://github.com/atallo/ttrss_fullpost)
I can not see af_fullpost in Plugins window.

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