[Plugin Request] Youtube RSS summary

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[Plugin Request] Youtube RSS summary

Postby tagno25 » 21 Apr 2015, 00:22

Youtube is phasing out its old RSS feed for user uploads, and releasing a new feed.

Could someone make a plugin to make the new feed work like the old feed? If no one wants to, I will look into making one next week.

The below is only a sample feed. All the new ones behave the same from what I can tell.

Google's Uploads
Old: https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/us ... be-profile
New: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xm ... rOtXWBpyEA

The feed link at the top of TT-RSS is broken on the new feed. TT-RSS points to http://www.youtube.com/feeds/ (link rel="self")
It should point to http://www.youtube.com/user/Google (link rel="alternate")

It would be nice if the plugin would make the new feed look similar to the old feed.

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Re: [Plugin Request] Youtube RSS summary

Postby fox » 21 Apr 2015, 13:36

they post site url as link rel=alternate which is the first i've ever seen, but I guess its technically allowed by rfc 4287. normally people just don't put rel in there i.e. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom_%28st ... m_1.0_feed

e: https://github.com/gothfox/Tiny-Tiny-RS ... 3a621889ba

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Re: [Plugin Request] Youtube RSS summary

Postby fox » 21 Apr 2015, 13:53

its very easy to add a generic youtube video embedder for enclosures since they don't do content anymore

i'm not sure if that should be in a plugin or base because base already has a special exception for youtube iframes.


e: https://github.com/gothfox/Tiny-Tiny-RS ... 9821fb8ad6

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Re: [Plugin Request] Youtube RSS summary

Postby GoneWacko » 21 Sep 2015, 14:26

I've been running into this issue since YouTube disabled v2 of their data API, and I decided to try my hand at writing a plugin to fix it.

The problem is that some channel pages don't seem to link to their Atom feeds, yet others do. I do not know what causes this.
The result of this problem is that some RSS feeds for YouTube channels can be added to TT-RSS simply by pasting the YouTube channel URL in the Add Subscription box, yet for other channels this will result in TT-RSS (correctly) stating there are no feeds on the page.

The plugin I ended up making is a bit of a hack: Whenever you try to subscribe to a URL like this: youtube.com/channel/<channel id> (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX20tF ... uOtEyag5EA) the plugin will translate this into a subscription for the Atom feed by making a tiny snippet of HTML that links to the correct Atom feed. YouTube uses these URLs when you click the channel name below a YouTube video.

It does not work for URLs like youtube.com/user/<nickname>.
youtube_subscription plugin
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