Plugin to add custom tags/variables to public RSS URL

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Plugin to add custom tags/variables to public RSS URL

Postby DavidMoreno » 04 Sep 2015, 18:28


I want to know if is there a plugin to add variables as tags in the exit to the public URL.

Yahoo Pipes had the option to attach custom tags on a subscribed font.

I have seen that there's an empty tab on the subscription preferences window. Is there a way to add a plugin there to add those tags?

For example: I am subscribed to a font like and I want to add the tag <typeOfSite>boring</typeOfSite> to the posts of the atom formated exit. That way I can filter the posts with an external reader I can configure to skip them or add some other information.

In case there's no such plugin I can try to make my own if you help me.

Thank you all in advance.

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