Plugin for modification of published feed

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Plugin for modification of published feed

Postby theTJ » 27 Feb 2016, 14:04

Hi @all,

I'm trying to build a Plugin wich allowes me to modify the published feed, because I want to import this feed in my Homepage, but with a really simple PlugIn in Wordpress. For this I want a Feed with only 50 Words and add a Link to the Original Source.

I've found many PlugIns for modifying some parts of TT RSS but I'm not sure if it is possible to modify the "published" Feed.
After nearly a week trying, I'm now asking here. Do I have overseen a plug-in which does something like this? Or is there no possibillity to do something like this?

Hope my questions are clear



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Re: Plugin for modification of published feed

Postby fox » 27 Feb 2016, 15:40

there's currently no way to easily modify exported data but this can be arranged, i.e. i can add another hook

alternatively you can p easily implement rss feed generation in your plugin and subscribe your blog to that feed, you can see the example in handler/public.php

if you want me to add a hook i can take a look monday i guess

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Re: Plugin for modification of published feed

Postby theTJ » 27 Feb 2016, 16:40

OK, a hook for this would be nice!
I don't want to make changes on the core, for that I could still update it without breaking my own special features...

but I will check the pupblic handler anyway - hope it will help me to create a plugin to change things in it...

thanks for this nice tool!

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Re: Plugin for modification of published feed

Postby Monfreid » 29 Feb 2016, 19:05


I'm doing exactly what you're looking for on my own website that is done with Joomla. I use a component that create articles from an rss feed, you can limit the article to 50 words and then add a link to the original article. You can then use the rss feed of your own website to display on your home page

I don't know Wordpress that well but I'm sure there are some plugin that can do that (rss to content or something like this).

hope this helps

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Re: Plugin for modification of published feed

Postby theTJ » 29 Feb 2016, 21:44

Hi Monfreid,

yes, there are some plugins for Wordpress like this too, but the most of them have other flaws or only can do the shortening OR the Link to the original Source or link to my TTRSS as original source, because they just link to the feed-adress or something linke this.

For some of these Resons I need to manipulate the created feed. But I think I will Programm it for myself with help of some useful frameworks for RSS ans Webapps because I have some other issues with tools I wantet to use but don't do what I need.

Thanks for your advice.

and thanks for your help @fox.



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Re: Plugin for modification of published feed

Postby fox » 01 Mar 2016, 14:39

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