Strip TT-RSS to it's minimum

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Re: Strip TT-RSS to it's minimum

Postby fox » 19 Mar 2013, 14:26

>I know a little.

Well at least there's a consensus on this point.

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Re: Strip TT-RSS to it's minimum

Postby phz » 19 Mar 2013, 14:31

ilovettrss wrote:Why isn't anyone helping me to do that?

It is currently not quite clear what you are trying to do, or if you know what you want to do, or why.

Do you want to use the entire TT-RSS backend for user handling, feed parsing, storage, plugin support, etc., and just redo the UI? Then see the first answer in this thread. This is probably what you (think you) want.

Do you want base a new UI on the present one and try to strip functionality? Then you have the code available: just start stripping, see what breaks and patch and mend. It will probably be a lot of work, though.

As to why no one is helping you: if you want to do it, that's fine, the code is open. The answers lie within. But if others don't see the merit of doing this, they will focus on other tasks. There is a finite amount of time available for everyone. People are not rude for the sake of being rude, but they themselves must decide how they spend their time, and you will have to respect that.

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Re: Strip TT-RSS to it's minimum

Postby fox » 19 Mar 2013, 14:36

People are not rude for the sake of being rude

Yeah, about that...

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Re: Strip TT-RSS to it's minimum

Postby fox » 19 Mar 2013, 14:37

index.php - Main file which processes RSS Feeds (Required)
lib/dojo/dojo.js - Library for easing our work (Optional)

Post of the week right there.

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