Fatal error, unknown preferences key: DIGEST_ENABLE

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Re: Fatal error, unknown preferences key: DIGEST_ENABLE

Postby thermionic » 16 May 2013, 22:10

hence the not wanting to step on any toes

As I completed the upgrade, to re-read the exact informational message I had would mean reverting my upgraded database and directory to 1.7.8 to re-run the upgrade, then reverting them back again to my running 1.7.9 configuration, and I've had enough of breaking things today...

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Re: Fatal error, unknown preferences key: DIGEST_ENABLE

Postby HunterZ » 16 May 2013, 23:10

fox wrote:Completely same error message?

Looks like it:

Code: Select all

Error    Filename    Message    User    Date
E_USER_WARNING (512)   classes/db/prefs.php:108   Fatal error, unknown preferences key: DIGEST_ENABLE      11:59
E_USER_WARNING (512)   classes/db/prefs.php:108   Fatal error, unknown preferences key: DIGEST_ENABLE      11:59
E_USER_WARNING (512)   classes/db/prefs.php:108   Fatal error, unknown preferences key: DIGEST_ENABLE      11:57
E_USER_WARNING (512)   classes/db/prefs.php:108   Fatal error, unknown preferences key: DIGEST_ENABLE      11:57

thermionic wrote:I would suggest that you reverted your database and your ttrss directory using your backups, then re-ran the upgrade, re-read the informational message and follow the (admittedly not blindingly obvious) instructions.

That ship has sailed, as I foolishly backed up my tt-rss install but not my database.

fox wrote:This might be caused by a user with uninitialized preferences (e.g. you never logged in under it or something), so when updater tries to send digests, it generates this warning. I wonder if this would hide the warning:

https://github.com/gothfox/Tiny-Tiny-RS ... 6c80222cae

Actually, that's possible in my case. I created an account for my wife when I got tt-rss installed and working a couple months ago, but she has never logged in.

I deleted her account, and I haven't seen the log show up in the past 5+ minutes (edit: make that 15, so I guess that was it!).

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