daemon user needs shell?

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby sleeper_service » 17 May 2013, 01:04

xtaz wrote:I like the job title. "Servermanagement". That could mean anything. He might manage the boxes they came in.

you know how german is, when they need new words, they just mash other words together.

way back in the day, I saw a bunch of bios screens in different languages for the computer manufacturer I worked for, all the screens were formatted the same, except german, the words were so long, the screen had to be reformatted and all the fields moved around to fit the german words.

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby TauTau » 17 May 2013, 02:37

sleeper_service wrote:oh, you've been funny since your first post, trust me.

really? with a simple question? Seems I need to adjust my sense of humor, to ask less funny questions :D

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby TauTau » 17 May 2013, 02:42

sleeper_service wrote:you know how german is, when they need new words, they just mash other words together.

Of course I'd take any advice for a better job description from you. Let me tell you that I freely translated it from "Serverbetrieb", which is more of a "making sure that everything runs flawlessly" thing.

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby sleeper_service » 17 May 2013, 03:13

TauTau wrote:
sleeper_service wrote:you know how german is, when they need new words, they just mash other words together.

Of course I'd take any advice for a better job description from you. Let me tell you that I freely translated it from "Serverbetrieb", which is more of a "making sure that everything runs flawlessly" thing.

well, to come up with a job description, you'd have to explain what you actually do (besides berating russian coders becasue their excellent software isn't supported the way you want them to).

answer peoples questions and tell them what button to push?
string wires?
open boxes and rack servers?
install, configure OS's and keep multi-hundred thousand euro servers running?

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby blainemono » 17 May 2013, 10:16

"serverbetrieb" is kinda lame-sounding, I still prefer AUFSCHLAGERVERWALTUNG (add umlauts accordingly)

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby hrk » 17 May 2013, 11:10

TauTau wrote:really? with a simple question? Seems I need to adjust my sense of humor, to ask less funny questions :D

Well, it wasn't the question per se. There are no stupid questions, at most there are noobie questions. Point is, after asking a [legit] newbie question you reinforced your attitude w/ 20 years of experience in the very field where you were having issues. Hilarity ensued. When you re-iterated this was an unprofessional product not worth your servers' CPU because it lacked documentation which was blatantly already available in the wiki, everybody went with a laugh (except for you).

Glad it ended with you launghing too.

@sleeper_service: I didn't like when you moved from the man himself to the language. It was no better than his email comment to fox.

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby davidm » 17 May 2013, 11:51

blainemono wrote:I would like to add that one of our community moderators resigned because he was afraid he'll be dragged to the Hague Tribunal because of these pictures or something. Quality stuff, fellas, stay tuned.

Sorry, my message was not clear enough. I didn't resign because I was actually afraid of being sued, I resigned because I don't like being a mod in a forum where that kind of stuff happens. As a matter or principle. Making fun of anonymous users is okay for me, making names and addresses public is not.

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby sleeper_service » 17 May 2013, 12:15

hrk wrote:@sleeper_service: I didn't like when you moved from the man himself to the language. It was no better than his email comment to fox.

it was merely meant as a commentary on the word, and many others like it, there are many compounded words in german, I thought it was amusing that we had to reformat the bios screen to fit them, whereas no other language that we were shipping bios for at the time, had to be reformatted.

it wasn't meant as a slam.

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby TauTau » 17 May 2013, 12:36

sleeper_service wrote:well, to come up with a job description, you'd have to explain what you actually do (besides berating russian coders becasue their excellent software isn't supported the way you want them to).

install, configure OS's and keep multi-hundred thousand euro servers running?

that part mostly. There's also application support in parts, but more on a 2nd/3rd level support. Most software we run here I have never seen the frontend of. I install (and keep running) RHEL, Windows servers, tomcats, Jbosses, Websphere clusters, VMWare clusters and so on... typical serverstuff I think, ~300 physical/virtual machines. Of course I'm not doing that alone ;) And I've never seen a really fitting job description besides "Admin" (BOFH) for that, though "Admin" can also be a lot of stuff...

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby TauTau » 17 May 2013, 12:43

davidm wrote:making names and addresses public is not.

That part I also didn't like, which is why I took the pics off from that service. I have no problem with my name in public (man, just google it ;)), but the company footer shouldn't be there.

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Re: daemon user needs shell?

Postby fox » 17 May 2013, 12:56

I like how you are not self-aware enough to realize what shouldn't be there is your childish meltdown and completely needless efforts to prove that you are an actual lamp polisher or whatever.

Anyway, I feel that the comedy here has evaporated.

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