60 items

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Re: 60 items

Postby dlohan » 03 Jan 2014, 23:37

sleeper_service wrote:I'm pretty certain that the problem is sitting between your keyboard and chair...

At last a problem that you can actually help with! I wouldn't hang my hopes of your being any way useful with TT-RSS. All you seem to do is complain about how little everybody else knows about it, without being able to shed any light on it yourself.

sleeper_service wrote:you started out with some weird oldsite to newsite myfolder crap, and complaining that it was limited, and then you proceeded to insult the author of the software, making it certain that you'd get no help whatsoever, now you pat yourself on the back for finding some limit on something that you never stated you were trying to do.

well done.

I wasn't patting myself on the back, but evidently in forgotting to pat you on the back I offended. There, there .... what a good boy you are.

I may have broken a tradition of this forum in actually posting a solution! :)

sleeper_service wrote:and, btw, I'm just here to keep sleezeballs from spamming, and while I may consider what spews forth from your fingers as spam, the guy in charge views it as entertainment... so, keep it up!

.... and you do this by spamming the forum yourself? Is that like a slash-and-burn strategy to counterterrorism? Spam your own forum thus denying the spammer the use of the facility?

sleeper_service wrote:e: on reflection, why am I wasting my time trying to communicate with someone so developmentally challenged as yourself...

You're the one who recommend writing a script when all I had to do was add the words "&limit=500". No wonder you don't have time. You must be full time writing scripts!

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Re: 60 items

Postby dlohan » 03 Jan 2014, 23:42

fox wrote:puppet master defense right on schedule

"no guys it was *me* who was trolling you guys, thanks for the *entertainment*"

*sobs, continues to be unable to communicate simple questions over the internet*

Actually I wasn't trolling you, not did I ever claim to be. I'll leave the job of trolling your own forum to you.

I had no problem in communicating the problem. I'm sure that the hundreds of people who read it understood exactly what I communicated.

puppet master defense right on schedule

*sobs, can't identify source of problems with own software.

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Re: 60 items

Postby fox » 03 Jan 2014, 23:48

you know we're all happy you finally managed to find (and read through) the wiki page I suggested in like third post of this thread but really there's no need to become all smug about it

it's not really that much of an achievement

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Re: 60 items

Postby blainemono » 03 Jan 2014, 23:53


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Re: 60 items

Postby hrk » 04 Jan 2014, 04:23

dlohan wrote:I had no problem in communicating the problem. I'm sure that the hundreds of people who read it understood exactly what I communicated.

He had no problem in communicating the problem --> there was no communication of problem! I CAN SEE THE LIGHT! HE'S THE BRINGER OF SOLUTIONS NOT PROBLEMS!

I, for one, as a hundredth of the people who read this forum and understood exactly what he communicated with us, would like to welcome dlohan as the true saviour of this [strike]century[/strike]year.

e: dlohan, this forum lacks "strike" support. How can I fix it? Can I add "&limit=strike" somewhere?

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