Fast way to deploy ttrss on OpenShift

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Re: Fast way to deploy ttrss on OpenShift

Postby fox » 05 Apr 2013, 07:57

viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1482 (you never mentioned the version you are running)

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Re: Fast way to deploy ttrss on OpenShift

Postby nathan » 05 Apr 2013, 17:57

I'm on version 1.7.4, trying to update to 1.7.8. It seems in that thread, all everyone could do is update manually. Could someone tell me where the sh file for updating is on TTRSS?

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Re: Fast way to deploy ttrss on OpenShift

Postby Midas » 22 Jun 2013, 22:02

19/06/2013 update daemon stop working.
git push command returns error: "remote: An error occurred executing 'gear postreceive'"
Quick browse internet get answer:
from file .openshift\action_hooks\deploy remove:

Code: Select all

while [ $RETRY -gt 0 ] ; do
    #reload env variables
    for env_var in  $OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR/.env/*
       . $env_var

    #check for db
       echo "Database server found at $OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_DB_HOST. initializing..."
       sleep 5
    sleep 1
    RETRY=$(( $RETRY - 1 ))

and push it. Now daemon work.

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Re: Fast way to deploy ttrss on OpenShift

Postby Kresnik » 18 Jul 2013, 08:31

So anyone can give me the steps to do in order to update the TTRSS version to the latest version (1.8.0) in OpenShift?

I tried running the Updater plugins but after clicking the 'Update Tiny Tiny RSS' button, Loading text appear and the gone. After that, there doesn't seem like any response, message or log showing and I still able to browse it normally after refreshing. I looked at the login page and found that it's still at version 1.7.2.

Then I found that there's an updated git for 1.8.0 version in disconn3ct/tiny_tiny_rss-openshift-quickstart.

But since that repo still hasn't updated the php folders, I only put the 1.8.0 files inside the php folders then push it.

After the push is successful, I reload the page and get blank page at the homescreen.

Can anyone help to fix this?

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Re: Fast way to deploy ttrss on OpenShift

Postby disconn3ct » 18 Jul 2013, 12:34

It should be deploying 1.8.0 (the latest tagged version):
[dis:~/Source/ … /tiny_tiny_rss-openshift-quickstart/php] b5a9ef5 ± git status
# HEAD detached at 1.8

That is also what I got when I did my last round of testing with it. Did you forget to run "git submodule update --init" after doing the checkout?

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