Error Message: system() has been disabled...

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Error Message: system() has been disabled...

Postby ttrss-user » 27 Oct 2013, 20:36

Iam using TTRSS 1.8 (update didnt work but this is an other story).

Since Days nothings works.
Iam getting this Error Messages in System/Error Protokoll:
E_WARNING (2) plugins/updater/init.php:77 system() has been disabled for security reasons admin 15:32
E_WARNING (2) plugins/updater/init.php:67 system() has been disabled for security reasons admin 15:32
E_WARNING (2) plugins/updater/init.php:187 system() has been disabled for security reasons admin 15:29

What is the trick to "enable" the System? (I dont want to update, this never works, and I dont want to reinstall everything new, this costs me 2 days of work)
Thanks for your HELP!

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Re: Error Message: system() has been disabled...

Postby sleeper_service » 27 Oct 2013, 20:51

fix your broken setup, and update.

only takes a few minutes to update if you do it right.

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Re: Error Message: system() has been disabled...

Postby ttrss-user » 27 Oct 2013, 21:09

@sleeeper service
Sorry Iam a normal user :-)
Can you explain "fix your broken setup" step by step?
Sorry the world is not full of Programmers :-)

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Re: Error Message: system() has been disabled...

Postby sleeper_service » 27 Oct 2013, 21:33

ttrss-user wrote:@sleeeper service
Sorry Iam a normal user :-)
Can you explain "fix your broken setup" step by step?
Sorry the world is not full of Programmers :-)

it appears that you've got something broken in your web server, or more likely, in your php setup.

posting the error message over in a php support forum would probably get you a better response.

there shouldn't be any problem upgrading from 1.8 to current.

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Re: Error Message: system() has been disabled...

Postby ttrss-user » 28 Oct 2013, 21:27


Thanks for your help and ideas. But that is not the right solution. Everything else (wordpress, apache etc.) on my server is working just perfect. Therefore it couldnt be a problem of php or so.

TTRSS works great and perfect for months. Every trouble began with the update to 1.9 This disabled my TTRSS the first time for days. After clicking around for several times *boom* everything was still working like ever and i was happy again. I wrote directly to Andrew Dolgov and i told him, not making Updates for Software that works. And not working Updates are "disabling a System" - and there is no chance to get this system back enabled to work. I never get an answer - oki ;-)

Sorry, if this sound hard or not "nerdy" enough. You made a great peace of software. I like the TTRSS very much - but - I need a working solution. And the solution is not clicking around and wait for nerdy thingis that will work or not or what ever.

The correct solution is, to delete TTRSS and just try another Solution that will hopefully work. And if this solution costs a view bucks, ok so what? So this is the end of my work with TTRSS. In Future, if TTRSS will work properly I will give it try again. And if it costs Money - ok, I will buy it.

I wish you all a nice time, thanks for your helping hands - may god bless you!

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Re: Error Message: system() has been disabled...

Postby AngryChris » 28 Oct 2013, 21:43

ttrss-user wrote:@sleeeper service
Sorry Iam a normal user :-)
Can you explain "fix your broken setup" step by step?
Sorry the world is not full of Programmers :-)

This is why you're failing. TT-RSS is a package of Unix software that a competent system administrator needs to install and maintain (yes, I know some people hack it up in Windows). It's perfectly fine for end users as long as they have a competent system administrator handling the back-end. If you're not that competent system administrator, and you don't have access to one to help you, then TT-RSS isn't for you.

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Re: Error Message: system() has been disabled...

Postby sleeper_service » 29 Oct 2013, 07:40

ttrss-user wrote:@sleeper_service

Thanks for your help and ideas. But that is not the right solution. Everything else (wordpress, apache etc.) on my server is working just perfect. Therefore it couldnt be a problem of php or so.

I wish you all a nice time, thanks for your helping hands - may god bless you!

I love how you think everything you have 'is working just perfect' but a piece of software that thousands of people are using, and works fine, just magically doesn't work *for you* and you discount someone pointing it out to you.

good by, and good riddance.

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Re: Error Message: system() has been disabled...

Postby vilain » 29 Oct 2013, 08:25

It's most likely the system() function call has been disabled on your implementation of php. That's most likely a security feature that your site or sysadmin has implemented to prevent people like you from doing damage to their system. ... -functions

Wordpress doesn't use this feature. I checked the code. There's no call to "system(.*)" in the current copy on my system.

So your options are:

Send email to your sysadmin to get them to modify system() to allow you to use tt-rss.
probably not going to happen. There's a reason they're disabled. Unless you have root on your system and can modify your php.ini file to remove the system call, you're stuck with php in this configuration.

Change your hosting to a VPS so that you will have root and be able to configure a system the way you want
This will cost more but unless you have sysadmin skills, I don't recommend it. You've demonstrated that you are sufficiently deluded such that you won't listen when someone explains a problem to you. That antithetical to being a sysadmin. Or at least a sysadmin that has a job or hasn't been murdered by a user they've pissed off.

Continue to use Wordpress and other tools on your host but find another solution to tt-rss.
DING DING DING. This is your solution.

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