iOS 10 Chrome/Safari lockup issue with tt-rss...

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iOS 10 Chrome/Safari lockup issue with tt-rss...

Postby Snakebyte » 19 Oct 2016, 19:20

Ever since iOS 10, when I attempt to read my TT-RSS feeds through Chrome or Safari, I am able to log in and scroll down a few messages, but then soon after the browser completely locks up. This happens on both my iPhone and iPad. Is this happening to anyone else?

Not that I blame the TT-RSS code for this (After all it works perfectly fine in through Chrome on Windows or macOS).

I ran git pull today just to see if that would make a difference. It didn't.

At this point I'm just wondering if this is a unique problem to me, or if others have ran into it. I'm game for a reasonable workaround. I used to use the TTRSS Reader v2 app by MJ-Devs, but that hasn't been updated in ages (the interface is very fisher-price on retina displays now) and it is missing some of the better features available through the web interface.

TT-RSS is running under Apache 2.4.23/PHP 5.6.26 on Fedora 23. I am not using a hosting company.

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Re: iOS 10 Chrome/Safari lockup issue with tt-rss...

Postby ibotan » 21 Oct 2016, 20:14

Nope, it's not just you. After updating my iPhone I see misbehavior as well. In my case, the browser reloads the page telling me that something has gone wrong. And after doing that a couple times, I end up back at the login screen. Which usually reminds me that the tiny screen of my phone is almost useless for reading news stories on at the best of times anyway.

My aging iPad (which shall now remain on iOS 9) has shown lockups for a lot longer. (At least a year, while staying up to date from git.) That one only seems to happen to me when I'm scrolling down a list of very short articles. (This feed is usually the culprit and makes a great test case: ) Doesn't happen from any other web sites, but then again I don't go to anything else as complex as TTRSS.

Again, I'm blaming Apple for this. Didn't happen to my phone until iOS 10, and the iPad is just old.

Unless of course Fox is suffering from too much spare time and wants to look at this instead of the Android app. :)

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Re: iOS 10 Chrome/Safari lockup issue with tt-rss...

Postby natan » 24 Oct 2016, 12:51

The same trouble.
tt-rss last git version, debian8: nginx+php-fpm+mysql

It looks like js trouble.
When I scrolling feed, or prefs(plugin list, for example) after 1-2 sec after first scroll browser tab begin freeze and I can do only one - close browser tab(very slowly, because browser became very slowwww.

Tested at three iphones and ipad, using safari and chrome.
Before update ios 10 at apple devices there are no problems.


I have no debug console at these devices.
May be it is stupid, but I made so:
1) add to the beginning of /js/viewfeed.js

Code: Select all

window.onerror = function(error,url,linenumber) {
    alert(error + "\n" + url + "\n" + linenumber);

2) opening and scrolling feeds at desktop - no problems
3) opening and scrolling feeds at iphone - have alerts(with every scroll action) with so:
TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.

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Re: iOS 10 Chrome/Safari lockup issue with tt-rss...

Postby Snakebyte » 24 Oct 2016, 22:23

If I'm reading this correctly ( ... as-safari/ ), all browsers have to use ios's WebKit. If true, this would explain why two seemingly different browsers are showing the same symptoms.

I guess this thread was moved to "Unsupported platforms" because tt-rss wasn't written for this particular engine? I always though that the platform concerns were server based.

Anyway, here's hoping that Apple squishes this bug -- I doubt tt-rss wasn't the only place that triggered it. I reported it to Apple, but have yet to hear a response. 10.1 is out today -- once I get more articles to read, I'll give it a test.

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Re: iOS 10 Chrome/Safari lockup issue with tt-rss...

Postby darknite323 » 25 Oct 2016, 00:00

Yet another casualty to Apple's closed system, like Sony, they like to be in control of everything.

You are correct, no matter what browser you run on iOS, it is using the exact same rendering Engine as Safari. Browser vendors cannot bundle their own engine with their browsers, they have to use one provided inside iOS itself already.

So if you have a rendering issue with certain websites in one Browser, you're extremely likely to have the exact same issue on every other Web Browser on iOS no matter what it is called. Which is a monmumentally stupid approach, one of the many reasons i will never buy a iOS device.

In fact the only 2 iOS devices in my house are owned by my sister, and she got them for free.

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Re: iOS 10 Chrome/Safari lockup issue with tt-rss...

Postby natan » 25 Oct 2016, 00:56

IOS 10.1 fixed that.
tested at ipad and iphine using chrome.

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