Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

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Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby stalker145 » 29 Oct 2016, 06:43

Been getting a few of these tonight. Using TT-RSS (currently v15.7) for a few years on RPi running Minibian.

It's not a show-stopper, but it's there...


Exception: TypeError: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined
Function: unpackVisibleHeadlines()The error will be reported to the configured log destination.

TypeError: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined
at htmlspecialchars_decode (
at ... 910:827:18
at Array.forEach (native)
at Array.each ( ... 910:826:12)
at unpackVisibleHeadlines (
at headlines_scroll_handler (
at HTMLDivElement.onscroll (

Your report has been saved. You use the following link to refer to this problem: ... 4656b38802.

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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby sleeper_service » 29 Oct 2016, 07:11

let's see, what is the usual response to someone running ancient software and complaining... *ponder*

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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby fox » 29 Oct 2016, 09:04

if you didn't change anything op then it's kinda unlikely it just suddenly broke

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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby stalker145 » 30 Oct 2016, 02:24

fox wrote:if you didn't change anything op then it's kinda unlikely it just suddenly broke

While I would normally agree with you, as I am not a programmer, I still have to wonder why this would suddenly happen. Many years of running your software with no errors and only updating the OS...

Stupid question: Is it possible that an error such as this could be caused by really shitty internet service? Ours has been dropping the connection a lot lately (mostly the router losing touch with DNS servers) and this error only started last night.

sleeper_service wrote:let's see, what is the usual response to someone running ancient software and complaining... *ponder*

I think the answer lies in your methodology for running a site: If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.

As I'm the only user for this server, I prefer to K.I.S.S. and only update when absolutely required. I will, however, try your well articulated suggestion.


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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby sleeper_service » 30 Oct 2016, 05:50

stalker145 wrote:
sleeper_service wrote:let's see, what is the usual response to someone running ancient software and complaining... *ponder*

I think the answer lies in your methodology for running a site: If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.

As I'm the only user for this server, I prefer to K.I.S.S. and only update when absolutely required. I will, however, try your well articulated suggestion.

since I'm in an uncharacteristicly good and generous mood at the moment, I'll respond to your stupid comment.

first, my 'methodology' for running a site is the same as my methodology for running the large and expensive servers that I maintain in my day job... make them work, make them as reliable as I can, and eliminate problems.

if your crap wasn't broken already, it's unlikely you'd be here posting about your broken old crap.

strangely enough, the world of computers isn't set in stone, things DO change, and in case you haven't noticed it, there world around you continues to change also. perhaps your old code isn't going to work with something that changed in a feed, in addition, there are bugs in the code you've got, bugs that have been *fixed* in later code, perhaps a change in a feed tickled one of those to life.

in any event, the *point* of my original comment was, that when you're running old shit, the first thing you're going to be told when you complain about it not working is "upgrade to the current one" because I promise you, fox isn't going to go back to whatever way old version you've got and try and figure out if there's a bug in that.

not that any rational thinking person would believe something so ridiculous anyway.

stalker145 wrote:and only updating the OS...

on the other hand, maybe YOU broke something.

I forget, Fox, should "RPi running Minibian." be in the unsupported category? :D

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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby fox » 30 Oct 2016, 09:52

so, shitty network + shitty server hardware (if you can even call it that), a great combination i'm sure

in any case op i dunno what your actual issue here is. shit worked and now doesn't, i guess. what do you want me to do about it? login on your toy server raspberry pi and investigate why something i wrote a year ago doesn't work right all of a sudden? does this sound like something people would do for you for free? im at a loss, really

e: my well articulated suggestion would be getting a decent server, installing a decent supported OS on it (like debian or centos), and running latest tt-rss git. i'm not sure if it helps but there it is, my suggestion. oh, and, also get yourself a decent network connection to said server.

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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby stalker145 » 30 Oct 2016, 21:18

sleeper_service wrote:perhaps your old code isn't going to work with something that changed in a feed, in addition, there are bugs in the code you've got, bugs that have been *fixed* in later code, perhaps a change in a feed tickled one of those to life.

Now this is a well thought out theory that I can get behind. As things have worked so well for so long with fox's software, I guess I've grown complacent with the updating of that software... oops. I'll give that a shot.

sleeper_service wrote:in any event, the *point* of my original comment was, that when you're running old shit, the first thing you're going to be told when you complain about it not working is "upgrade to the current one" because I promise you, fox isn't going to go back to whatever way old version you've got and try and figure out if there's a bug in that.

Funny enough, I have no desire for fox to delve into his archives and try to figure out some random problem. A nod in a direction suffices for me and, kindly enough, you've given that. As for old hardware, it seems that not everyone can have the shinys that you are, obviously, used to. Some people even prefer to make do with less. If that means something stops working down the road because my specs are too low, that's ok, I'll move on. However, the only specs I've seen for running TT-RSS refer to softwares (PHP5.4 ot later - check, and an accelerator recommended - check) with only a few people asking about absurdly low hardware specs.

fox wrote:my well articulated suggestion would be getting a decent server, installing a decent supported OS on it (like debian or centos), and running latest tt-rss git. i'm not sure if it helps but there it is, my suggestion. oh, and, also get yourself a decent network connection to said server.

I can understand your lack of understanding when it comes to supported Operating Systems as no one can be a master of everything in this computer age. Minibian is, actually, Debian-based, only stripped of the cruft that many people like to use to clog their overpowered servers.

And if I could get a decent ISP in this armpit town, I definitely would.

So, thanks, guys, for your kind words and remember: I still love you.


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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby sleeper_service » 30 Oct 2016, 23:47

stalker145 wrote:
sleeper_service wrote:in any event, the *point* of my original comment was, that when you're running old shit, the first thing you're going to be told when you complain about it not working is "upgrade to the current one" because I promise you, fox isn't going to go back to whatever way old version you've got and try and figure out if there's a bug in that.

... As for old hardware, it seems that not everyone can have the shinys that you are, obviously, used to. Some people even prefer to make do with less. If that means something stops working down the road because my specs are too low, that's ok, I'll move on.

if you squint REAL HARD at what I actually wrote, you might note that I didn't say, or even imply, a single thing about your hardware choice. just your ancient version of software. don't ASSume.

I just traded up from my 8 year old thinkpad to a five year old thinkpad, only because my previous one developed weird video issues (which someone on the thinkpad forum suggested was bad video ram). again, don't ASSume, something you're doing way too much of.

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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby stalker145 » 01 Nov 2016, 08:41

Good news for me!

I tried the recommendations given here and updated to the 16.8 release of TT-RSS and Jessie for Minibian - away from the "ancient" wares that I was using. I haven't had an issue since. Thanks for the suggestions, guys.

I would have said something yesterday, but as you may (or may not) know, it was kinda difficult getting to this domain. I guess everyone runs into problems every once in a while, huh?
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Screenshot from 2016-10-30 15-54-52.png (86.19 KiB) Viewed 7594 times

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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby fox » 01 Nov 2016, 09:15

yeah we had a bit of a network outage at work yesterday

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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby sleeper_service » 01 Nov 2016, 09:33

stalker145 wrote:I would have said something yesterday, but as you may (or may not) know, it was kinda difficult getting to this domain. I guess everyone runs into problems every once in a while, huh?

are you just naturally a douchebag, or do you have to work at it?

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Re: Cannot read property ''toString'' of undefined

Postby stalker145 » 02 Nov 2016, 00:29

fox wrote:yeah we had a bit of a network outage at work yesterday

I'm glad to see you got it fixed. I really do love your work, fox.

sleeper_service wrote:are you just naturally a douchebag, or do you have to work at it?

Actually, it comes very naturally... once someone gets under my skin. I rarely start out a conversation with douchiness.

But, hey, sleeper_service, it's been a fun time. Just remember: I still love you :*

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