Android client: open in browser

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Android client: open in browser

Postby pcause » 30 Dec 2013, 16:26

When I am scrolling through the article list in the Android client I often see an article I know I want to open in the browser (see full content). To do this I have to tap the article to get the title on the left side and the article excerpt on the right and then tap the headline. Could you add an 'open in browser" to the tap and hold menu in the main view (feed on left and title/date on left)? A "Share" in the tap and hold menu would also be great.


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Re: Android client: open in browser

Postby fox » 30 Dec 2013, 16:31

Sure, I'll try to add this when I'm bored at new year vacation.

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Re: Android client: open in browser

Postby pcause » 02 Jan 2014, 15:27

fox wrote:Sure, I'll try to add this when I'm bored at new year vacation.

Are you yawning yet. Here's hoping you are oooohhhhh sooooo bored and ready for the interesting challenge of adding this exciting, groundbreaking feature.

Thanks for tt-rss. It saved my 2013 from the whirlpool Google is trying to create to sick us all into plus.

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Re: Android client: open in browser

Postby id242 » 02 Jan 2014, 15:49


1381582953267.jpg (28.68 KiB) Viewed 3459 times

EDIT: But adding to the Android app, "Display on loading" per feed; such as "Feed View" or "Web View" or "Always Open In Browser" would be nice. Especially for those sites that like to only include the first paragraph of content in their feeds and you have to click through anyways.

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Re: Android client: open in browser

Postby fox » 02 Jan 2014, 16:04

Nah, I'm definitely not too bored to deal with android shithole of an ecosystem right now.

>EDIT: But adding to the Android app, "Display on loading" per feed; such as "Feed View" or "Web View" or "Always Open In Browser" would be nice.

I have no idea what this means. Display what?

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Re: Android client: open in browser

Postby id242 » 02 Jan 2014, 16:30

fox wrote:I have no idea what this means. Display what?

For example:
Long Press on FEED NAME
Window pops up with:

* Browse headlines
* Mark read
* Place shortcut
* Unsubscribe

Add a 5th item to that list, "Feed preference" ("Display on loading" or "Content display mode" is another way of saying that) similar to whats in desktop version of TTRS when you right-click and choose "Edit feed"...

Add the "Feed preference" option for always displaying that single feed inside the app ("Feed View") or always calling an Android browser to display the feed ("Always Open In Browser")

Attached screenshot of TTRS desktop prefs as an example for Android feature suggest.

20140102_04-16-54.png (18.18 KiB) Viewed 3436 times

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Re: Android client: open in browser

Postby fox » 02 Jan 2014, 17:54

Nah, this sounds like it would break consistency too much. You'll have to endure long tapping.

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Re: Android client: open in browser

Postby fox » 16 Jan 2014, 16:19


e: headline longtap/overflow menu

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Re: Android client: open in browser

Postby pcause » 16 Jan 2014, 17:16

Thanks, Fox.

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