check static website and show differents

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check static website and show differents

Postby Andyt8 » 10 Mar 2016, 12:21


I searched, but didn't find anything about that. I know and of' course use TT-RSS for many RSS-Feeds, because it is a Web RSS Reader with many wunderful functions. I don't know how do you think about my feature request, but maybe it is in your interest for TT-RSS too.

However, sometimes there is no RSS-Feed for a website or static page to stay informed without checking it again and again by myself. I found and use already some additional web services to transfer websites without RSS-Feed to an website with RSS-Feed. It work if there are links which will transfer to the articles.

In some cases that will not work, because it is really a static page and have no further links. In most cases the static website show me changelogs, version history or similar. They change several times, but have only a table or similar.

some examples:, or

It would be nice if it would be possible to have an integrated way to add instead of a RSS-Feed a static website and TT-RSS will load it and check that website during update process and mark differents if there will be some. So an old copy must be stored and merged with a new one.
At the moment, I know only a Firefox addon for that: Update Scanner. It work fine, but only for one computer and don't sync between different devices including mobile devices. It has also some more disadvantage against TT-RSS, because it work only with Firefox and only if I will still use and have opened the browser.

Please for repsonse.

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Re: check static website and show differents

Postby JustAMacUser » 10 Mar 2016, 19:55

This is actually doable via a plugin. I had to add something like this for one of the users on my install. Basically, you hook FEED_FETCH (I think that's the name). Check if the feed_url is the one in question and, if so, begin generating a custom feed.

I do this by loading the home page of the site (a news site), then parsing it with DOMXPath. I look for A tags that have a matching href attribute. I do some clean-up (remove duplicate URLs, create meta data, etc.). Once I have that I build the feed using the MiniTemplator class already bundled with TT-RSS and return that as the value of $feed_data.

It's pretty crude and I wouldn't do it for many sites because it's so easy to break if a site changes. But my point is that it is possible.

Adding this type of code to the core of TT-RSS would be difficult because of how different sites are from one another. So this kind of thing really should be done in a plugin.

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Re: check static website and show differents

Postby Andyt8 » 11 Mar 2016, 11:51

Thank you for your answer.

It doesn't care for me how it will be integrated. I'm not a developer and most of your information doesn't help me. According to a missing feature it looked like the best for me would be to write a feature request.

I'm not sure. Does that mean you have written a plugin for that? Is it available? I didn't find such plugin.

edit: by the way, the best would be an integrated feature to TT-RSS (core/plugin/??) because it is much easier to handle it. Additional, there is someone for help. That isn't in the same way for a third party plugin. I have already some problems with one or two and until now there were no answer for questions/problems. Don't know if you and other understand me correctly. I mean, there are also plugins with perfect support.

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Re: check static website and show differents

Postby fox » 11 Mar 2016, 12:22

>by the way, the best would be an integrated feature to TT-RSS (core/plugin/??)

the whole point of having a plugin system is that i won't have to bother adding retarded shit like your idea into tt-rss core

either write a plugin yourself or ask someone to write it for you

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Re: check static website and show differents

Postby Andyt8 » 11 Mar 2016, 13:04

I'm sorry that you feel like this and of' course using swearwords in that way. It look like there will be no plugin for that.

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