Mark as Read button?

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Re: Mark as Read button?

Postby fox » 08 Jan 2010, 00:11

I deleted everything after reading your previous post regarding your server resources. Afterward, I realized this breaks the ability of TT-RSS to suppress duplicates. I was trying to be helpful.

Thanks, but unless you want to annoy yourself with duplicate articles, don't do that in the future. Let the normal expiration process work. :)

Basically when you deleted everything, you got all the stuff still available in the feed back - because there was nothing to compare it to. Delete means delete, literally. This feature is mostly used for debugging, it's not really supposed to be readily exposed in the UI (which is an oversight on my part, I suppose, because it currently is).

Just about every type of feed EXCEPT current news could be set to 0 (purge immediately as an article is marked), so only unread articles would be stored on the server.

This would unfortunately cause an endless stream of annoying duplicates, just like what happened when you deleted all the articles. It's not like mail, news feeds have stuff available for a while, sometimes months at a time. If tt-rss can't find the article in the local database, it will re-add it and thus show you stuff you already read.

When using normal expiration process, there are some measures in place to prevent duplicates from showing even if the articles stay in the feed longer than the expiry timeout, but when you actually manually delete stuff, all bets are off.

So, my point is, being overly aggressive in deleting stuff is not always a good idea.

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Re: Mark as Read button?

Postby ginahoy » 08 Jan 2010, 00:22

OK. I had the wrong mental image of how a feed works. I thought it was like a ticker tape and the only time duplicates become a problem is when the provider deliberately updates the timestamp or includes an article in multiple feeds.

I can see how standards could help the purging issue. For example, if a standards-setting body defined a field associated with each RSS feed that informs the reader how many days articles can remain in a particular feed, then optimized purging would be possible. Each feed provider would set the field accordingly. I guess this is what you would call 'wishful thinking' :mrgreen:

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Re: Mark as Read button?

Postby Hypernova » 08 Jan 2010, 01:19

fox wrote:
Did you know that you can scroll down and new articles would just load on the fly? You don't need to reload the feed each time you finish reading the "page" (e.g. the headlines or combined articles buffer).

Also, I would suggest using keyboard shortcuts. E.g. f q marks current feed as read and so on. Actions -> Keyboard shortcuts will display a nice help dialog to get you started.

I don't really aware of that, but still, I prefer not to. I mostly read article from "fresh articles", which mean it can go as high as 1-2000 thousands entries sometime. It would be too long reading those in a page. f q will do the same thing as Mark as Read; it marks the whole feed, not the only currently showing. So,while I now understand that I'm reading feeds in a way that you didn't intend it to be, I would still request a more convinent way to mark the showing entries as read, if possible.

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Re: Mark as Read button?

Postby ginahoy » 08 Jan 2010, 01:49

Hypernova wrote:...request a more convinent way to mark the showing entries as read

Hypernova, the All button on the Selection toolbar marks all items in the current window. Then use the Mark as Read action in the dropdown. One extra step.

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Re: Mark as Read button?

Postby fox » 08 Jan 2010, 02:02

Also, you can select articles and press 'u' to toggle their unread status.

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Re: Mark as Read button?

Postby Hypernova » 08 Jan 2010, 05:27

ginahoy wrote:
Hypernova wrote:...request a more convinent way to mark the showing entries as read

Hypernova, the All button on the Selection toolbar marks all items in the current window. Then use the Mark as Read action in the dropdown. One extra step.

That what I did all this time, as I posted before :|
Hypernova wrote:...the way I use tt-rss right now already have too many clicks. I have 60 entries per page. When I'm done reading, I have to click select all, then action menu, then mark as read. That's three for the operation that I do most of the time (and not the three easy clicks either). I kind of guess that this isn't the way you want tt-rss to be used, but I have to do it this way.

fox wrote:Also, you can select articles and press 'u' to toggle their unread status.

Thanks. I'm also thinking about click the last article and use c p shortcut. I do wish there is a button that I request though.

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Re: Mark as Read button?

Postby levine » 22 Jan 2010, 01:35

Is there a way to disable the confirmation dialog box from coming up after you click on Mark as Read?

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Re: Mark as Read button?

Postby ginahoy » 22 Jan 2010, 03:29

levine wrote:Is there a way to disable the confirmation dialog box from coming up after you click on Mark as Read?

Look under the Advanced section in Preferences. There's a "Confirm marking feed as read" option, which defaults to Yes.

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Re: Mark as Read button?

Postby levine » 22 Jan 2010, 11:06

Of course... hiding in plain sight. Thanks.

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