new feeds not loading

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new feeds not loading

Postby ginahoy » 01 Feb 2010, 09:27

When I log in, there's a red error message at the top:
"Update daemon is not updating feeds."

When I click on the error message, I get this:
Update daemon is taking too long to perform a feed update. This could indicate a problem like crash or a hang. Please check the daemon process or contact instance owner.
Last update: 2010.02.01, 3:06

what to do?

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby fox » 01 Feb 2010, 10:11

Well, looks like it works now. :)

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby ginahoy » 01 Feb 2010, 18:27

It was broken for most of yesterday PM. I guess it's nice when things fix themselves :D

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby fox » 01 Feb 2010, 19:43

Works now = I have restarted the process. :D

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby ginahoy » 11 Feb 2010, 05:21

Fox, looks like the process might need to be restarted. I'm getting same error as before.
Thanks, David

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby fox » 11 Feb 2010, 09:25

Hmmm. It could be that one of the feeds is hanging the update daemon. Well, let's try it again.

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby ginahoy » 11 Feb 2010, 09:53

all is well again. Thanks

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby ginahoy » 15 Aug 2010, 20:26

Hey Fox, the Online version appears to be down. Same error as noted in OP. Thx

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby fox » 15 Aug 2010, 21:16

Looks like the daemon chokes on several feeds in the database and hangs. :(

Code: Select all

ttrss_online=> select feed_url, update_interval, last_update_started from ttrss_feeds order by last_update_started desc limit 2;
             feed_url              | update_interval |    last_update_started
-----------------------------------+-----------------+----------------------------  |              30 | 2010-08-15 12:42:13.072055 |              30 | 2010-08-15 12:41:59.498278
(2 rows)

Update attempt for these two feeds have been initiated last, I'll disable them for the time being to see if that helps.

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby ginahoy » 15 Aug 2010, 21:35

Ok. Error message is now gone and I received feed for this forum (my earlier message, but not yours, yet). However, I have about a dozen news feeds (NY Times, AP, local newspapers) and none of those updated. I know there's a lag in TT-RSS so maybe I just need to chill for a little while...?

BTW, the two bad feeds you listed are not mine :wink:

UPDATE: Two more feeds have now updated.
UPDATE: All feeds have updated :D

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby fox » 25 Aug 2010, 18:23

I have added some sort of basic protection against stuck update processes, we'll see how it goes. :)

(see ... 9d96c3a7a8)

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby ginahoy » 26 Aug 2010, 04:54

Hey Fox, your new code may have a bug... my feeds haven't updated today. Or maybe a coincidence?

My feeds normally display well over a hundred news stories by now. I'm not seeing any error messages.

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Re: new feeds not loading

Postby fox » 26 Aug 2010, 13:08

Yeah, lol. I kinda threw away the baby with the bathwater there a little bit. :) That is fixed now.

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