Session failed to validate (incorrect IP)

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Session failed to validate (incorrect IP)

Postby ginahoy » 13 Jan 2011, 02:08

Since I switched ISP's last week, I'm getting an "incorrect IP" error, forcing me to log in to the TT-RSS Online site every time my IP address changes. My previous ISP never changed my IP address, even though I wasn't paying for a static IP. Apparently my new ISP changes my IP address at least once a day.

If my assumption is correct, would it be possible for you to remove IP checking from session management? IP checking seems a bit severe for this type of application.


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Re: Session failed to validate (incorrect IP)

Postby fox » 13 Jan 2011, 09:30

It should only check your first two octets (unless I botched that somehow). Well, anyway, I have disabled the whole thing. :)

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Re: Session failed to validate (incorrect IP)

Postby ginahoy » 13 Jan 2011, 11:10

fox wrote:It should only check your first two octets (unless I botched that somehow). Well, anyway, I have disabled the whole thing. :)

Thanks! I haven't checked my IP, but it was pretty obvious from the error message, juxtaposed with my switching to DSL last Friday, as to what the problem was. Again, I really appreciate TT-RSS Online, and the support you provide.

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