question about filter settings

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question about filter settings

Postby ginahoy » 09 Mar 2011, 22:29

Hey Fox, when setting up filters for the online version, what's the difference between the actions "mark as read" and "filter article"? Thanks.

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Re: question about filter settings

Postby fox » 10 Mar 2011, 00:12

Filter basically means do not bother importing the article at all. (maybe it's a good idea to rename this).

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Re: question about filter settings

Postby ginahoy » 10 Mar 2011, 11:01

Thanks, Fox.
Another question about filters. If you create a filter with a phrase instead of a single word, does the filter logic only consider an exact match? For example, there's a recurring series in the NY Times US news feed called "Chicago News" of which I have no interest in reading. If I set up a title filter for "chicago news" (without quotes of course), can I be confident that articles with just one of the words in the title will not be filtered? What about an article titled "Breaking news from Chicago" (both words present but in different order)?

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Re: question about filter settings

Postby fox » 10 Mar 2011, 11:36

The match string is a case-insensitive regular expression. It's not automatically tokenized, so "Chicago news" wouldn't match "news from Chicago". "Chicago.*News|News.*Chicago" on the other hand would. Or something like that, you might need some brackets in there. :)

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Re: question about filter settings

Postby ginahoy » 10 Mar 2011, 21:08

Thanks, Fox. That answers my question.
I recall studying regular expressions in college, but I haven't messed with programming in decades, so I wouldn't attempt to use the full logic capabilities without documentation, especially with no easy way to test in this case.

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Re: question about filter settings

Postby fox » 18 Apr 2011, 13:11

I kind of remembered about this thread today. :)


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