Online going down at 15.11.2012

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby luke911 » 19 Oct 2012, 23:05

Alvin/fox, i'll try and put together a how-to tonight and get it posted.

I've also been thinking about starting a hosted service for those that can't put up their own server themselves. Would a $1-2 a month subscription be a reasonable amount for this just to help cover hosting costs? I have a demo install up on my test server if you'd like to try it out. If you're interested just let me know and i'll message you the specifics.

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby alvin » 20 Oct 2012, 03:17

luke911 wrote:Alvin/fox, i'll try and put together a how-to tonight and get it posted.

Thanks, I am sure it will help....

luke911 wrote:I've also been thinking about starting a hosted service for those that can't put up their own server themselves. Would a $1-2 a month subscription be a reasonable amount for this just to help cover hosting costs? I have a demo install up on my test server if you'd like to try it out. If you're interested just let me know and i'll message you the specifics.

I think it would be a good service... However I have a lot of scripts running on a hosted account, it is just that sometimes you have a small problem with scripts that do not have a real good install script, you know what I mean... scripts like wordpress are real pros at not having install problems... As soon as I have the time I will go back to getting an install to work, I just never got to the bottom of my last problems because the online worked so good...

Thanks so much for your help :D

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby joseph-mx » 20 Oct 2012, 04:10

Alvin & David, if it is just two of you need help.
you can get luke or me to help setup.

Save up the time for us to write up custom script just to make installation easier. lol :p

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby paddlaren » 20 Oct 2012, 10:11

I just finished installing TT-RSS on my first ever cloud VPS server. :mrgreen: The TT-RSS challenge was great enough to finally make me take the step I been hesitating for 3 years: start my own cloud service.

The cost is moderate (€18/month) for the current setup but I am likely to migrate to a smaller service once I stabilized, the smaller one have yaerly agreement, this one monthly.

I will probably be able to host others on the site but I need to test the installation first. I have not yet decided if I will need a fee, I possibly will. But 10 users is €1.8 a month which is not very much. And I can always step up in VPS performance is the interest is huge, that is the beauty of it all ;)

The server is located in Sweden and using environmental friendly power sources.

I am used to Linux but not to web applications. Those took the longest time but I did it all yesterday evening.
The hardest problem was that the web server sent .css with wrong mime-type. It took me some time to realize I have a error console in Firefox. I fixed but forgot to clear the cache for an hour so the problem remained. Clearing the cache was king as Andrew points out in the guides.

One question though, tt-rss refers to an "error console", how do I access that? Is it a log file or what?

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby fox » 22 Oct 2012, 11:39

One question though, tt-rss refers to an "error console", how do I access that? Is it a log file or what?

Ctrl-shift-f12 in Chrome, in Firefox you need to install Firebug I think.

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby johnnychicago » 23 Oct 2012, 22:27

Bit late to the party (was gone a bit) but I run a tt-rss instance for a few friends. As the server's mostly bored anyway, I gladly take on online users that are still looking for a new home. Feel free to ping me in personal mail or per email - [email protected]

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby eggsome » 30 Oct 2012, 08:07

So long and thanks for all the fish


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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby ginahoy » 05 Nov 2012, 06:01

Is there a way to export all the filters I created on tt-rss online?

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby fox » 05 Nov 2012, 10:55

OPML export includes filters.

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby ginahoy » 06 Nov 2012, 02:20

Yes, I should have looked at the OPML file. I can now see the filters are there. The problem is that I just imported the OPML file on one of the alternative sites and neither the settings or the filters were imported. Only the feeds.

I guess it would be appropriate to create a separate sub-section in this forum for discussing 3rd-party hosted tt-rss service?

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby fox » 06 Nov 2012, 09:22

The problem is that I just imported the OPML file on one of the alternative sites and neither the settings or the filters were imported. Only the feeds.

Hmmm... It could be related to this fix which needs to be applied: ... 11f287742d

You can try changing <outline text= to <outline title= and see if it works, it was a bug in tt-rss 1.6.0.

I guess it would be appropriate to create a separate sub-section in this forum for discussing 3rd-party hosted tt-rss service?

I dunno. Shouldn't third parties have their own forums?

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby ginahoy » 06 Nov 2012, 11:35

fox wrote:try changing <outline text= to <outline title=

The opml file had <outline text=...> for all sections. Since feeds imported properly, I only changed to <outline title= for the instance at the top of the filter section. No joy. I also tried changing all instances to title and surprisingly, the feeds still imported, although it may simply be that I'm seeing the feeds that were already there.

it was a bug in tt-rss 1.6.0

The server I'm using (JohnnyChicago) is running ver 1.5.11 per login screen.

Shouldn't third parties have their own forums?

This seems like the logical place to host any discussions about tt-rss. It would be simple for you to set up another sub-section, and you wouldn't need to look at the traffic. Oh, I forgot... this forum doesn't support individual RSS feeds for individual sub-sections.

I would prefer a subscription based hosted service if it buys me some support.

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby fox » 06 Nov 2012, 12:21

The server I'm using (JohnnyChicago) is running ver 1.5.11 per login screen.

Ah, sorry. I'm afraid this is not going to work at all, due to filter changes in 1.6 they are not backwards compatible with 1.5.

This seems like the logical place to host any discussions about tt-rss.

About tt-rss trunk code development and support - sure, everything else - I dunno, really.

It would be simple for you to set up another sub-section, and you wouldn't need to look at the traffic.

I have to premoderate all posts from new users because otherwise this forum would be filled to the brim with spam. It's really not fun in any way at all. Spammers even use use old posts from the board, including my own posts to appear on topic.

I would prefer a subscription based hosted service if it buys me some support.

I thought about doing something like that, but I feel that the amount per user to get me interested in dealing with any of this is going to be too high. People in general tend to prefer free stuff, which is completely logical.

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby johnnychicago » 06 Nov 2012, 12:47

fox wrote:
The server I'm using (JohnnyChicago) is running ver 1.5.11 per login screen.

Ah, sorry. I'm afraid this is not going to work at all, due to filter changes in 1.6 they are not backwards compatible with 1.5.

Ah - I'll do an upgrade then, probably later in the week. Was sticking to 1.5 for Twitter, but found my solution there anyway...

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Re: Online going down at 15.11.2012

Postby fox » 08 Nov 2012, 15:46

Today is 8/11 so I'm stopping update daemon on Online.

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